Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Women's Empowerment Programmes - March April 2015

The Snehajyot Samaj Kendra, Uttan, in collaboration with Centre for Social Action, held zonal level celebrations for women across 8 zones. Around 1270 women in the age group 20 to 65 years participated in these events which included the traditional East Indian songs, dance and skits on various social issues. The objective of hosting these zonal level events was to encourage women to participate and come forward to resolve community local social issues and spread social awareness on cleanliness, relationships in family, solid waste management, and saving for the future.The instant outcome of the program was seen at the zone of Devtalao, Uttan where community people raised their voice against the issue of garbage thrown at coastal sea of Uttan which is harmful to fish as well as the health of people in the area. The youth, women and male members in the family came together and approached MBMC to clear the garbage.  As a result of this initiative,the area has been cleaned up and the MBMC garbage vehicle now picks up the garbage on a daily basis.

Women’s Leadership Program at Pali
A half-day Women’s Leadership Program was held on 14th April, 2015 jointly organized by Sahjeevan CCO, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Pali along with Centre For Social Action.  65 women attended the program, where Ms. Kinjal Maru of Infinity Consultancy Services was the resource person for the day.

She started the session with interactive activity where she requested the participants to form pairs and asked each of them to prepare on two questions namely, 1) what would you like to do? And 2) what can you do?  She allowed them 5 minutes to prepare and share with their partner. Later, the pair was asked to come forward and each was requested to introduce their partner and answer the two questions on behalf of their partner. Each womancame forward and spoke with great confidence. Some of the examples of their answers were, I would like to help others, I would like to visit the sick, I know tailoring, I know cooking etc.

After this activity, the women confessed that they were initially scared when they were asked to come forward and speak as they lacked confidence - They were feeling shy and were wondering what others will say about them, or whether others will laugh at them. Ms. Kinjal pointed out that in order to gain self-confidence one should ignore these thoughts; else one will never be able to achieve self confidence.  She later asked them a second question whether they will be able to perform a task fruitfully? As an example, she asked them to try and touch the ladder which was hanging on top. Most of the women tried touching the ladder, but were not able to do so. After some time she mentioned that if one is not able to do something by oneself, they should take the help of others. It’s all in one’s mind whether one can do something or not and the ladder happens to be a representation of one’s mind. She made an important point that if we go out often, we will meet new people, gain experience, which will help in building our confidence.

Ms. Kinjal stressed the point that each one should develop faith in themselves. If someone makes a mistake, they should still move forward.  When starting something new, they should not be afraid, but should make efforts to go forward. They should not be thinking that I cannot do it as I am not educated enough, but should set aside these thoughts and should encourage themselves to build the confidence necessary to take the initiative forward. A very important point she made was that we should not bother about what people will say, rather we should live life on our terms, or else our self-confidence will never grow. 

Ms. Kinjal later called one woman and asked her to make 100 dots in one minute. The woman managed to make 129 dots in one minute. On asking her how she managed to do it, she said that initially, she was not sure if she could do it, but after she reached 100, she continued to move on just because by that time she had developed a lot of confidence. I will do only as per my capacity and not attempt to do more – such a thought should not be kept in one’s mind.

At the end of the session, one of the participants – Diana Pereira shared that the participants liked the session very much and requested that more such sessions should be conducted in future.

Prerna Seva Kendra, Dongri Parish in collaboration with CSA organized a half day program for women on Women in this fast changing world” on 22nd April 2015 at the Parish Church Hall. This program was open to all and saw an attendance of 235 women and a few men. The objective of the program was to inspire the women from the area to take charge and come forward in their lives with the assistance of each other in this fast changing world.  Two resource people viz. Mrs. Shobha Sutar  and Mrs. Mala Naidu were invited for this program. Mrs. Shobha a Social Worker from Mumbai is currently handling many SHG Groups and through her intervention has managed to bring about a change in the lives of the women, children and men from the slums in Mumbai. Her work has been acknowledged by the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai by conferring on her the Mayor’s Award on 8th March 2015 (International Women’s Day) for her outstanding contribution in the development and empowerment of women in the slums of Mumbai. 

The other resource person for the day Mrs. Mala Naidu, another Social Worker from Mumbai along with Mrs. Shobha handles 160 SHG groups. She shared how the good work done by her has borne fruit through the admission secured by her two children in Engineering Colleges without paying capitation fees. The personal sharings of these women on the struggles they faced in their lives in order to make a mark in this mega city of Mumbai touched the hearts of the participants. The participants who are simple and not highly educated women from Dongri were inspired and motivated by these sharings and expressed that they could easily connect with the resource persons as they spoke from their hearts. When Mrs. Shobha showed the Mumbai Mayor’s Award to the participants saying “tomorrow your names too can be on this”, she got an instant response from Mrs. Justina R Naik (Prerna CCO Staff) “Next year, my name will be on one such award.” 

Mr. Mario Remedios (CSA Staff), also took this opportunity to inform the participants about the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana Scheme.  The program also included a dance followed by a street play by the women on “Women in this fast changing world”.  The same was appreciated and the success of it could be measured by the thumping applauds received after the play. At the end of the program, spot prizes were given to the participants  who gave correct answers to the questions pertaining to naming of successful women’s achievements e.g. 1st woman President, 1st woman astronaut, etc.  
Leadership Development and Self Confidence for the Women of Chowk
Training program on Leadership Development and Self Confidence for the Women Leaders was conducted at Sahyog Samaj Kendra, Chowk Parish on the 28th of April 2015 for half day. The program was attended by 41 Women Leaders of Chowk Parish under the project of “Holistic Development of the People of the Dharavi Island”.  Sr. Shweta Dabre and Ms. Suvidha Patil from the SahyogSamaj Kendra, Chowk coordinated the Training Program along with the CSA staff Mario Remedios.

The resource person for the day, Ms. Kinaj Maru, told the women about the leadership role and how they should themselves be confident and only then can they lead others in their respective groups. The women were asked if they had the confidence to touch the ceiling of the training hall, at first they laughed at the proposal but one group took the challenge and as three of them stood on 3 chairs lifted another women to form a pyramid ultimately touching the ceiling of the hall.  This was then repeated by 2 other groups and thus the ceiling was conquered by the women as they gained confidence that, ‘they can do it’!

The women were also divided into 4 groups and a role play was given to each group to get out their leadership skills and increase their self confidence. The women whole heartedly participated in the training program and gave a feedback that such programs should be of a longer duration as they had just got charged and wanted more.

Social issues and gender discrimination – Uttan
On 28th April 2015 Snehajyot Samaj Kendra, Uttan in collaboration with CSA organized a half day workshop on Social issues and Gender Discrimination which was attended by 27 women leaders of the community. The objective of this workshop was to provide awareness on local social issues and apprise the women on how as a group they could address and resolve these issues. The resource person for this session was Ms. Jean Pereira, Post graduate in  mental health counseling, who is presently working with Kripa Foundation. In Uttan area women are mostly affected by the issue of alcoholism.  To address this issue the resource person has gave some valuable inputs to the participants to take initiative and resolve the alcoholism issue they are facing in their day to day life and from which their married life is badly affected. One of the participants shared that in MotaGoan, Uttan, out of around 250 married women, 65 women are widows only because of alcoholism. The resource person gave inputs on parenting and how women can help their children to keep away from alcohol.  She suggested that they can refer some of the cases on heavy alcoholics to Kripa Foundation for rehabilitation.

It was stressed that through community mobilization of women, we can address this issue and organized awareness camps can be organized in each zone. One of the participants suggested that to spread awareness at the zonal level of Uttan, the youth group can be made to perform street plays to address the issue of alcoholism, while organizations like CSA and Snehjyot Samaj Kendra should organize formal presentations on  the effects of alcohol on a person’s health and his family life.


Monday, 27 April 2015

Couples & Family Life Programmes - April & May 2015

Couples Training Programme:

The Dongri CCO Prerna Seva Kendra in collaboration with Centre for Social Action organised a full day couples training program on 14th April, 2015 with the objective of assisting young couples at Dongri Parish to live a quality family life and be gender sensitive. 12 couples were present for this session which was conducted by Mrs. Sheila and Mr. Alfred D'silva, a couple who have completed 38 years of their marriage, who are also conducting marriage preparation courses at Vasai besides running their own business.

The resource persons began the session with personal sharing of their own lives and that how it has not been a rosy one but one with thorns too. The shared through examples how they have together travelled this journey till date and overcome with the challenges they have faced in the day to day life which has created walls and how they have realised the importance of love and respect for one another. The importance of living a quality family life as per the teachings of the Bible was emphasized during the training program. The participants were also made to realize the importance of communication in the family and how a small miscommunication can cause a stir. The participants shared that this is the first time they have attended such a program and expressed their interest for the organizers to have another program like this during the month of October 2015. They also mentioned that the program had enlightened them and that they will share this experience with others so that many more can attend the next program.

Family Life Program–Pali

Family is a sacred institution. The world over, families are breaking down and Pali is no exception. To address this sensitive issue a seminar was arranged by CSA and Sahjeevan CCO staff on 27th April, 2015.The guest speaker was Mr. Vincy Dabre, who has been in the NGO sector for the last 8 years and is currently working with Hari Sankar Foundation CSR of Kusters Engineering India Pvt Ltd as an Officer Programme & Administration.

Mr. Dabre started the seminar with an interesting activity wherein he divided the 33 women participants into groups and gave each of the groups a pertinent question to ponder over. The women wholeheartedly immersed themselves in the activity and came back with context specific inputs. Lack of quality time, rebellious children, financial difficulties, technology related issues, extended families etc. were a few of the issues discussed at the meeting. This interaction helped the facilitator to tailor make his presentation. He spoke about the value of families and the causes of some problems in families and how one can overcome those issues.

The speaker emphasized the importance of communication in families to build trust. He urged the participants to focus on the well being of their family rather than get worked up by critics. To explain with an example of an ideal family he showed a lengthy video of one boy suffering with cerebral palsy. The boy’s family managed to help him out in the difficult situation and he turned out to be an award winning poet. It was a very inspiring video. There was a Question & Answer Session soon after that, followed by snacks and winding up. The whole session was a thought provoking one and it made the participants reflect on their own personal lives. While many issues were discussed through this seminar, we hope that the women are able to implement a few of the learning’s in their own lives.


First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...