Sixty children from the Bal Sansads at Gorai CCO took a different turn on the 13th May 2016 as they visited "Shanti Daan", a Home for the Poor and Destitute' run by the Missionaries of Charity Brothers at Borivali from 8.00am to 12.30pm.
Taking the route of the ferry across the Gorai Creek they came to the Borivli end and then walked upto Shanti Daan. There they were met by Bro. Oscar mc who met them and showed them the campus of Shanti Daan and the various sections of the Home explaining the schedule and how the various categories of physically, mentally challenged and aged persons were being taken care of by the brothers and staff..
Altogether there are 38 physically and mentally challenged inmates along with 162 old aged persons. These are looked after by eleven Brothers and 30 dedicated staff of Shanti Daan on a regular basis. The inmates have been trained how to make candles from wax. The aged inmates make these candles everyday
The Bal Sansad children presented a street children on social and family issues to the inmates along with two group musical dances. The faces of the inmates lit up with joy as they saw the dances and experienced the live energy of the children. The children interacted with the inmates and asked them a lot of questions and spent time with them.
Then finally one of the children on behalf of the group thanked Bro. Oscar and his dedicated staff for the services rendered and allowing them the opportunity to interact with the inmates and learn so many wonderful things on how to appreciate the good things in life.
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