Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Personality Seminar
Date: 20th Dec 2016
Time: 10.30 to 12.30
Venue: Marathi Medium school Gorai
Members: 53students of 7th & 8th
Topic: Personality development
Resourse Person: Sr Christel Tuscano

Report:- The session began with introduction by head master then he welcome resource person, then Sr. Christel stressed on following points like self-image, self-identity, we are God’s gift, also inferiority complex, comparison with other, how we on have positive attitude about own self & with others.
             The importance of education through education how one can proceed in life etc. with of question & answer, discussion we winded up the session.

Outcome: - children were very participative they received lot of information, teachers were very co-operative.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Session on Child Abuse and Child rights fort the Balsansad children at Dongri
On 23rd December 2016 we had the session on Child Abuse and Child rights fort the Balsansad children at Dongri by Sr. Anjeli. There were total 11 children who attended the session. Sr. Anjali gave the background of the session and she continued with fundamental rights like
·       Education,
·       Health, Clothing and food   

·       Shelter
Then she spoke on Child Abuse where she explained to them what Child Abuse is in it the good touch and the bad touch. She explained the types of Child Abuse like Emotional, Sexual, Child Labour and Physical.  Also spoke about how it affects the children.

Without making them scared sr. explained how they can be attentive and save themselves from it. 
Third session of Financial Empowerment program on Budget for women at Uttan

On 22 December 2016 had  3rd session on budget for women. There were total 9 women attended the session and Mr. Dayanand was the resource person for it. He spoke on Budget. 



He spoke on following points:
    Introduction to the topics
  • What is Income
·        What is Expenditure?
·        How to manage our finances?
·        How we can reduce our expenses?
There was the good response from the women and they felt the importance of it. Through group work they were able to understand in better way.  Women became aware of the fact of budget and found it very helpful. They realized and learnt how to go about it.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Visit to the Agriculture Department and Kharland Department at Thane:
On 21st December 2016 CSA DI Coordinator Mr. Dayanand and Dongri CCO Mr. Tenison paid visit to Agriculture Department and Kharland Department at Thane. The purpose behind it to get the information related some schemes for the farmers and the training programs. They met Mr. Methari, Mr. Chadavde (Head of Atma Project), Mr. Bhambre MCD (Maharashtra centre for Entrepreneurship Development) They introduced themselves and gave them the information about CSA and CCO. They also collected some information regarding Kharland Department and how department can help the people to solve this problem.

The head of the Department Mr. Methari will have the site visit and then will do the needful. Related to Agriculture Mr. Chadavde suggested to contact Mr. Vijay Patil (Krushi Adhikari).  They will give the session for the farmers by second week of January 2017. 

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Inaugural program of English Literacy program at Dongri:
On 13th December 2016 we began the English Literacy Program at Dongri. Fr. Peter D’chuna (Dongri CCO Director, Mr. Jhon and Mr. Edwin the Core Committee members, Mrs. Supriya the Teacher of the ELP and the parents of the students, CSA staff Sr. Martha and Dongri CCO staff Mr. Tenison. There were total 24 students in the class. Fr. Peter in his address made the parents and the children the importance of this program. He also requested them to be regular and serious about it.  He congratulated and encouraged the students for attending these classes.

After the program Mr. Supriya continued with the class. There was the good response from the parents of the students. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Children camp at Manori

On 12th December 2016 Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had one day Balsansad camp for children. Total 62 children were present. The camp began with the Prayer led by Ms Snehal. In the camp Ms Venisa had thought them creative craft. Ms Suvarna talks on Health. She said that the avoiding the junk food because it’s   badly effected on health. In a camp also have attraction of games, action songs. The camp ends with vote of Thanks.

Interaction with Children & Teacher at Manori on 10th December 2016.

On 10th December 2016 Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had interactive session with Balsansad children & teacher.  Total 36 were present. Mr. Novel Bendomar was resource person. He talks about on child rights of Education, right of safety & security in their family.

Cleanliness Rally of Balsansad Children at Manori

On 8th December Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had organised Cleanliness Rally at late evening. Total 50 children, core committee; CSA+ CCO staff took active part in the rally. The rally began from St John zone to St. Anthony Zone. They then began the raising slogan, displaying posters on Cleanliness. At Every zone ending point children were sung action song ‘Tumala kadhi ho Samjayache’. At st Anthony zone children was played the role play on “Cleanliness”. This rally aimed to create awareness on clean the Manori village & prevent diseases. 

Domestic Worker Meeting At Manori

On 8th December 2016 Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had domestic worker introductory meeting. Total 13 were present for the meeting. Ms. Rasika Bhandari has explained them about the Domestic Worker Skill Enhancement program. All participants have shown interest to attend this certificate course.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Dongri Core Committee visit to MBMC and Parivahan Department

On 9th December 2016 the core committee members of Dongri had visit to MBMC and Parivahan Department to ask them to have a special bus service for Dongri parish in morning hours. During meeting they decided to have signature campaigns which will the proof of the need of all the people.  As per the discussion in core committee meeting Transportation was the one of the problem face by the Dongri people. The members prepared a letter addressing to the Parivahan Department and MBMC asking for the special bus service at Dongri.

The members explained to Mr. William Govind (Parivahan Department) and Mr. Aanand Gabale (MBMC) about the problem of transportation at Dongri. There was a good response from them where they assured us to provide one special bus for Dongri the end of December 2016, only they requested to give them some time where they will discuss and will take the action.


Friday, 11 November 2016

Diwali camp for Balsansad children 2016 at Dongri

Date: 9th Nov. to 11th Nov. 2016                                               

Time: 9.30 am to 1.00 pm

Venue: Bethlem church hall, Dongri

Present: 75 children

On first day, 9th November 2016 there was had session on ‘Creating Awareness on Social Issues’. Ms. Rasika Bhandari led the activity based session. By taking current social issues children performed skit in four different groups.  They were gave message on sometimes people have mindset to give so much attention to do unnecessary activities but in social activities there was lack of participation, support, co-operation from people. One group also take initiated to create awareness on exchange 500/- & 1000/- currency note in bank before 31st December 2016.

On second day, 10/9/2016 Sr Martha had session on “Health & Hygiene”. The child understood that we should care ourselves properly and prevent diseases.

On third day Sr Anju had session on “Leadership”. The positive as well as negative qualities of leadership they performed skits. Children understood the message the good leader have good qualities like intelligence, co-operation,  encouragements, disciplined, well organized verses bad leaders dominating to others.

In a camp also attraction of action song, games, snacks.  The camp ends with vote of thanks.       

Reports noted by-  Dongri CCO Team.


Saturday, 5 November 2016

3 Days Diwali Dhamaka at Uttan for Balsansad children of Patan and Mhotagoan

We had 3 days Diwali Dhamaka for Balsansad children of Patan and Mothagoan (29th Oct, 1st and 2nd Nov 16 at Mothagoan and 3,4 and 5 Nov 16 at Patan). This was conducted by students of St. Andrews school Bandra. 

Three days had different and creative activates with lots of fun and learnings too. They showed the children the documentary on Health and Hygiene and balanced diet. Children were divided into some groups and were asked to present all that they understood. They also had drawing competition as well as preparing best out of waste. 

From these 3 days children learnt a lot and they got the opportunity to come forward and present and also to show their talents through different activities. Seeing other children coming forward encouraged the others to do the same.  

Many children participated and took the advantage of the opportunity. Students were surprised by the response of the children. 

Friday, 28 October 2016

Diwali Celebration at Juipada – Gorai on 28/10/16

A programme for celebration of Diwali was held at Juipada Gorai on 28thoct 2016. 250 Children, youth, men and women attended the celebration and the resource persons were Fr. Sandeep, Mr. Dayanand, CCO Staff Sr. Neelam and Sr. Anita.

The Programme began with common prayer song sung by Gorai Balsanasd children. Thereafter Sr. Christel gave the introduction for days program. She explained Suryodaya Samaj Kendra vision, Mission, activities etc. She mentioned that this center is working for all religions and all were welcome to the center to avail of the various schemes.
She also wished the people for the feast of Diwali. There was a prayer service where by Hindu men, Muslim Girls, Catholic Girl read from their respective religious books Geeta, Kuran, Bible. The prayer service concluded with a song which gave message of love & peace .

The Gorai balsansad children then put up a dance after which FR. Sandeep gave Diwali wish and asked  them to come together for meeting etc. Mr. Dayanand too wished the people and met Mr. Macchindar & Mr. Ravi who took initiative to have  this program.

A dance was performed by Juipada children and vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Natal Gabru. 

The programme ended with the distribution of snacks.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Kishoris gain knowledge & Self Esteem 27/10/16 at Gorai

On 27/10/16 a programme was held for Kishoris of Gorai. The number of kishori girls attending the session was 80. The resource persons were the

Bsc Nursing staff of Hinduja Hospital and Fr. Leslie.

The session began with a welcome song. Fr Leslie then gave an introductory speech about the session.

A skit on sex education was presented. It covered various topics such as menstrual cycles, love, friendship etc. A video clipping was shown which gave information about cleanliness and hygiene and care of the body.   

Information was given how check for breast cancer and care to be taken, right nutrition to be taken and to distinguish between bad touch and good touch.

The girls found the information very useful and important. They were interested in gaining more knowledge about these topics.


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Core committee Action Plan meeting at Gorai on 20/10/16

On 20/10/16 a Core Committee action plan was held at Suryodaya Samaj Kendra. 8 members were present for the meeting and Mr. Dayanand Patil animated the session.
The meeting began with a prayer by Sr. Chrystal. Ms. Nasim the briefed the members about the deliberations of the previous meeting held between the months of July to October2016.
In the preceding meeting Mr. Macanzy Dabre had given certain alternatives to solve the water problem in Gorai. They were 1. To build a pipeline from Manori to Gorai 2. Water tank 3. Protest March 4. To write an application 5. Rain water harvesting 6. Creating awareness in every sector 7. Planting trees 8. Use of water sparingly
Among the different alternatives, the alternative to build a pipeline from Manori to Gorai was chosen. An action plan was drawn which entailed creating awareness to increase  participation and then writing an application with peoples signature and submitting it to BMCs water department.

Thus the meeting concluded with the preparation of an action plan.

Core committee meeting at Manori on 20/10/16

Core Committee Meeting was held on 20th Oct 2016 in Manori church hall at 12 pm. Meeting was animated by Mr. Dayanand Patil.

Information about the village and BMC relating to the health issues was shared. Since information from BMC was incomplete, it was decided by the Core committee to file an RTI to get the proper information. Mr. Dayanand explained how to fill RTI form.  
The core committee members were asked to take initiative to file a RTI. Two members readily took up this responsibility.
Mr. Dayanand asked the members to enumerate the alternatives to solve the health issue. Core committee members identified 15 probable solutions and they decided to prioritize. They chose the first option i.e. to clean self & locality.
They decided to  create awareness in the village through  Rally’s,  Zonal meetings, Role plays, church announcement etc.

After that the core committee members decided to meet the parish priest on 21/10/16 to make announcements regarding the above issue.     

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Planning Meeting of Inter-religious Programme on 18/10/16

On 18/10/16 a planning meeting of Interreligious Programme was held at Juipada, Gorai. 27 members were present for the meeting.

Ms. Natal welcomed the members and spoke about Suryoday Samaj Kendra. Later on Ms. Nasim explained the vision, mission and works of Suryoday Samaj Kendra.

Sr. Christel led the discussion on conducting a programme for communal harmony and the date for the programme was fixed on 28/10/16. The members also finalized the outline of the programme.

A discussion also took place about the problems faced by people and a community group was formed so that the people could  come together and solve their problems.
On this note the meeting came to an end.


Planning Meeting of Inter-religious Programme on 18/10/16

On 18/10/16 a planning meeting of Interreligious Programme was held at Juipada, Gorai. 27 members were present for the meeting.

Ms. Natal welcomed the members and spoke about Suryoday Samaj Kendra. Later on Ms. Nasim explained the vision, mission and works of Suryoday Samaj Kendra.

Sr. Christel led the discussion on conducting a programme for communal harmony and the date for the programme was fixed on 28/10/16. The members also finalized the outline of the programme.

A discussion also took place about the problems faced by people and a community group was formed so that the people could  come together and solve their problems.
On this note the meeting came to an end.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Session for the Leaders of SHG at Devtalav Uttan

On 12th Oct. 16 A  training for all the SHG leaders of Devtalav was organised. Ms. Velencia Marvi from Uttan CCO conducted the session. There were total 19 women who attended the session.

There was a good response from the participants. She explained to them the concept, Importance of SHG, and how to conduct the meetings.

She also conducted some games and the stories through which they were able to understand in a better way. There was a good feedback from them. Through the interaction with them it was cleared that they understood the concept well. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Problem solving techniques session 2 held on 11th October 2016 at Gorai

A corecommittee meeting on problem solving techniques was held on 11th October 2016 at Gorai Church Hall.

Nasim introduced the resource person and the deliberations of the previous meeting were discussed. Ms. Rosy read the response of the RTI and a discussion on it followed.  

Mr. Macanzie discussed the different steps to solve any problem. First all information regarding the problem has to be gathered. Next,  who is affected by the issue has to be seen i.e. who is for the issue and who is against has to be seen like nagar sevak, Police etc.

After gathering information there is a need to find out different alternative and choose the best alternative. Begin the chosen alternative in parts.

Prepare an outline of the activity and then conduct the activity.

The participants understood how to the solve the problems and found the session very enriching and educative.

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...