Friday, 29 April 2016

Summer Camp for Children, Gorai CCO, 20th to 29th April, 2016

Summer Camp for Gorai CCO Children

Date: 20th April till 29th April 2016

Time: 6.30 am to 12 noon daily. 

Venue: Gorai church hall & school premises

Participants: 200 children

Organizers: Fr. Sandeep, Sr. Christel, Miss Nasim, Mrs. Natal, 20 youth volunteers

Theme: Building Trust and good relationships. 

Activities: Simulation Games, Group activities, sports, video clipping on various inspiration readings, Singing competition, Fashion show, Dance competition, Drawing competition.

The Summer camp began on the 20th April at First we started with short prayer, then opening ceremony chief guest was Fr. Glen D’mello the newly ordained priest from Gorai, he was asked to light the lamp, and then along with Sr.Christel they hosted the banner of the summer camp in the presence of children taking them in the circle to the guard & announced that summer camp is open.

Then every day we had various types of simulation games where children were made into 10 groups of 20 each, they were asked to use their talents, creativity while participating in the games as well as group activities. 

On one day we had sports on the sea- shore and on the rest of the days we had organized various programme activities and competitions each day for e.g. singing competition, fashion show, reading competition, dance competition. etc. For each programme a theme were given so that the children would participate with enthusiasm and understand the significance of the message to be portrayed. 

On the last day of the Summer Camp, there was a Prize Distribution for the various Programmes. In order to motivate the children to participate take away gifts were given practically every afternoon to the children. 

In order to enhance the quality of the summer camp, the children evaluated the volunteers every day afternoon and they came up with lots of suggestions for the next year too. The children also shared on the various learning opportunities. Further the children spoke on the self confidence gained and the growth in team work through participation and talents shared.

The volunteers shared on the challenges they faced while working with the children and the process engaged with them to cultivate a good quality of leadership in the children. 

All in all the children enjoyed this summer camp to the full learning through the various themes taken up. 

Gorai CCO Team. 

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Fisherfolk Society Consultative Meeting, Manori 15-4-16

The Fisherfolk Cooperative Society of Manori met together for a Consultative meeting with the D.I. Project Staff from Manori CCO and Mr. Dayanad on the 15 April 2016 at Savdhan Samaj Kendra, Manori. 

A total of 5 members were present. Mr. Dayanand Patil the Programme Coordinator facilitated the meeting. The topics discussed were on the challenges faced by the fisherfolks

for e.g. difficulties encountered because of ONGC, requirement of a cold storage in order to preserve and increase the cold chain link, requirement of a proper market facilities to sell fish as promised by the MMRDA and the marketing of the fish catch. 

Networking with the Municipal Cooperation for Livelihood Trainings 28-4-16

On the 28-4-2016 the D.I. Project Staff took a follow up meeting at Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation (MBMC) with the Assistant Mayor - Mr Pravin Patil. There were staff present from Four CCO's  i.e. Uttan, Chowk, Pali and Dongri who participated.

Follow up w as taken on the status of the forms submitted under the various government schemes like Mahila and Balkalyan Yojana, NULM and BPL certificate.  

The staff were given a reassurance with a positive response that under the Mahila  &  Balkalyan Yojana they would be provided with support for running the Tailoring & Beautician classes during the month of June.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Farmer’s Exposure Visit at Krishi Vidhyan Kendra, Kosbad Dahanu.

Date: 27/4/2016
Time: 10.00 am to
Venue: Krushi Vidhyan Kendra (KVK), Kosbad- Dahanu
Present: 24 (including two farmers from Gorai CCO) + 2 CSA staff s+ 1 CO staff

On 27th April 2016, Prerana Seva Kendra Dongri CCO in collaboration with Centre For Social Action has organised exposure visit to Krishi Vidhyan Kendra, Kosbad Dahanu for farmers from Dongri, Tarodi, Aanand nagar and Gorai.

The training began with an introduction of Centre for Social Action and Prerana Seva Kendra, Dongri and the purpose of the exposure visit to Krishi Vidhyan Kendra (KVK) by Mr. Dayanand Patil.
Dr. S.D.Nalkar- The Program Co-ordinator of KVK sharee the success stories of the previous batches of attending the training programs at KVK on flower farming, joint fertilisation of other crops, etc. He also spoke about farming is the most important occupation in India. It is very important to have agricultural management skills. The farmers should study about market and marketing of their product.
Mr Krishna Bhoir- Program Assistant of KVK gave input session on various soil sampling techniques. Soil testing should be done in 3 times; first after the cutting crops, after completion of 3 months for placing pesticide and fertiliser in the crops and last if farmer is doing multiple crops  then he should do sample  at least once in a every year.

Prof Uttam Sahane – He talked about on various types of techniques to prevention of crops from different types of diseases like dorsalis.

Prof Anuja Divte: She spoke about modern technique for cultivation of different types of rice crops.

Prof Rupali Deshmukh- She talked about animal husbandry like pottery and goatary and starting of dairy as a business. It gives better supportive livelihood option for farming. She also added that at Taluka level (Thane District) there are schemes available for farmers.

A post lunch farmers have visited to honey bee keeping farm, and its techniques and process.  Farmers also visited warming compost fields’ vermy composting, organic fertiliser and solid waste management at home or at the faming field.

During the interactive session the farmers asked many questions like how to cultivate white onion crop, cultivation of mangos etc. End of the session the staff agreed to provide free training at village level to farmers.

Report noted by-Dongri CCO Team.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Chowk CCO Core Committee PRA Reflection - 23-4-16

Sahayog Samaj Kendra, Chowk organised a PRA (Participatory Rural. Appraisal) with the Core Committee Members and leaders of each Vibhag (Zone) on the 23rd April, 2016 at the Meeting Hall of St. Andrew’s Church, Chowk. This training cum discussion meeting was  held with a view to enable them to identify issues and take up ownership of the Project for the future. Including the Core Committee member and leaders there were 18 persons present.

The facilitators were Mr. Melvin Pangya and Mr.Dayananda Patil who gave inputs on the concept of PRA and its methodology, techniques and tools.

The members were divided into smaller groups of two each and were asked to collect information from their Vibhags using the various tools of Resource Mapping, Historical Time line, Seasonality and exploring opportunities.

The members would collect information and share the same in the next meeting which was scheduled for the 14th Mary, 2016. 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Women and Staff from D.I. complete CSA Capacity Bldg - Certification 21-4-16

Five participants from Dharavi Island has received their Certificates on successfully completing the Basic Capacity Building Training Program organized by Centre for Social Action at Sarvodaya for the last 10 months in 2015-16. 
Their names are as follows: 
Ms. Snehal Patil.
Ms. Carol Munis (Pali CCO Staff)
Ms. Ashwini Arjuna.
Ms. Ceyana Gharshi. 
Mrs. Jenevi Gharshi.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Women's Day Celebration - Dongri - 17-4-16

On 17th April 2016 the Core Committee of Prerna Seva Kendra, Dongri took an active part in organizing a Women's Day Celebration. Women from the community gave an overwhelming response as 160 women were present. 

Sr Christle Tuscano was the Resource Person. She motivated the women with a lot of examples from her experience on the topic of "Women Atrocities, Daily News but never in our village?". She cited examples of domestic violence and how women constantly deny this situation which is happening even in their own homes. 

Friday, 15 April 2016

D.I. Quarterly Review with CCO Staff, Pali - 15-4-16

On the 15th April, 2016, the Dharavi Island CCOs Staff met together for their Quarterly Review meeting at Pali. 

The meeting began with an invocation to God by Rasika and Dongri CCO Staff. Sr. Martha was the facilitator for the meeting. Gorai CCO - Ms. Nasim and Ms. Natal made a presentation on MMRDA Plan for the Coastal Areas of Mumbai. She focused on the repercussions of this plan on the environment and the life of the people. 

She shared on the changes in the road plans and how open spaces and water bodies like fresh water lakes would be affected. There were many queries and suggestions on making the Presentation effective in terms of actual data representation. 

The staff from each of the 5 CCOs present made a presentation on the activities conducted during the quarter and the outcomes achieved. Feedback was given individually to each of the CCOs. 

After Lunch Sr. Mary Colaco and Mr. Cletus conducted a session on Sustainable Development Goals and how it could be integrated within the project. She showed a couple of short 2 minute videos on children who were promoting certain goals for e.g. health, education, inclusion etc.

Mr. Dayanand Patil then conducted a session on the basics of Participatory Rapid Appraisal and how it could be used as a tool for interacting with the Core Committee and the various target groups from the community to get their ownership into the program as the plans are drawn for the third year of the project. Ms. Sheetal too joined in too encouraging the staff to understand and participate in the process. 

The next Quarterly Staff Meeting would be held on the 17th June 2016 at Dongri CCO. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Women and Kishoris Learn about IGPs, Pali 11-4-16

On the 11th of April, 2016, Sahajeevan Samaj Kendra, Pali had organised a second training progamme for Kishoris on Income Generation Programs (IGP). A total of 20 Kishoris and 53 Women were present

The Resource Person was Mr. Melvin Pangya from Caritas India. He discussed with the women and kishoris on how to engage in Income Generation Activities and focused on the the selection of the product for Income Generation, aspects of developing a good Marketing Strategy and Advertisment of the Product. 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Income Generation Program Training for Kishoris, Manori 9-4-16

On the 9th April, 2016, Savdhan  Social Center, Manori organized a Second Training on the topic of Income Generation Program for a group of 15 Kishoris . 

The Resource Person Mr. Dayanand Patil took a session that focused on the process of selecting a product and how to start an IGP, the process of employing a good marketing strategy, and advertisements.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Enhancing CCO Documentation with Infrastructure - Cupboards 7-4-16

Centre for Social Action took a step towards enhancing the CCO Infrastructure by providing Steel Cupboards for each of the CCOs so that they can store their files and resources well in their respective offices. Ms. Sheetal Palande & Mr. Dayanand Patil from CSA undertook the task of communicating the objective of this initiative and obtained the necessary documentation required. 

The cupboards that were delivered a week  back were assembled by the technician who came in from Godrej Company and the same were delivered to each of the CCOs. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Farmer's Meeting, Dongri - 3-4-16

On the 3rd April 2016  Prerna Seva Kendra, Dongri organized a Farmer's meeting and Financial Literacy Training for a total of 20 Farmers. 

Mr Dayanand Patil & Ms. Sheetal Palande were the Resource Persons. The farmers discussed the issues  area wise (Tarodi, Aanandnagar, Palkhadi) and guidance was provided for the following issues: 

1. Seepage of Salt Water into their agricultural land. They would be taking a follow up with the Khar Land Department, Thane for the available fund for Bandh Bandisti. 

2. The Water Issue - it was discussed and the farmers decided to mobilize people at their fillage level and raise this issue through sensitization of the people. 

3. The Bad Effects of using Chemical Fertilizers was discussed by the farmers. They decided to organize an exposure visit to Krishi Vighyan Kendra, Kosbad. Eleven Farmers were motivated and they enrolled their names. 

Finally all the farmers present decided to form a Farmer's Group so as to be able to take up issues and obtain schemes from the government. 

The Financial Literacy Session was conducted by the CSA Staff which covered topics like Savings, Benefits of savings, Budgeting 2016- 17

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...