Thursday, 30 June 2016

Meeting with the Chowk Fisherfolk Society members. on 30/6/16 at Sahayog Samaj Kendra Chowk

Meeting with the Chowk Fisherfolk Society members.
On 30th of June 2016 at 10 am Sahayog Samaz Kendra Chowk  organized a  meeting with Chowk Fisherfolk Society members. This meeting was animated by  Mr. Dayanand and  Sr. Chaya.

They had a discussion on various problems and difficulties faced by fisher folk during fishing. All the members actively participated and were very open when voicing their problems.

Lots of problems are faced by them when fishing such as   personet, trawlers companies who catch the fish by using the underwater cameras, difficulties in sorting fish by women, fishes get killed by ONGC survey, money is not received when fish is sold on credit, cheating by the people etc.

After patiently listening to them Dayanand explained to them that there was a need to come together and take action. Mr. Dayanand informed them that training's could be held on boat engine repairing, use of G.P.S. and wireless, hygiene, preserving the fish and other problems faced by them.It was also decided to form a linkage with IIT for solving some of their problems.

The fisher folk benefited a lot by attending this meeting.

Friday, 24 June 2016

PRA practical process meeting at Prerna Seva Kendra Dongri on 24/6/16

On 24-6-2016 Prerna Seva Kendra,Dongri  organized a PRA practical process  meeting in Palkhadi area.
About 10 members were present for the meeting. Ms. Manisha and Ms. Rasika animated the meeting.

The member discussed about how seasonality affected the peoples development process in terms of availability of resources like land, water etc.

 A variety of issues such as literacy rate, health status of women, alcohol addiction, festival celebrations were discussed by the members.

There was active participation from the members. 

Monday, 20 June 2016

PRA practical training process at Savdhaan Social Centre Manori on 20/6/16

On 20-6-2016 Savdhaan Social Center Manori had organized practical PRA process in Andrew zone. About 35 members consisting of women, youth, Fisher folk, senior citizens and core committee were present.

Mr. Dayanand Patil demonstrated the village mapping tools to the participants.

The villagers drew the village map showing houses, fields, hospitals, schools roads, sub roads government institute, Church etc. The participants discussed among themselves during the entire process of drawing the village map.

This activity helped to increase the involvement of the people and create an environment conducive for active participation.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Income Generation programme at Sahayog Samaj Kendra chowk on 16/6/16

On 16/6/16, Sahayog Samaz kendra Chowk organized an income generation programme for 40 SHG and adolescent girls. Mr.walvalkar was the resource person.

He explained to them the steps of entrepreneurship such as market survey ,  product, creating a  brand,  labeling,  pricing, packaging,  advertisement, and selling. He also taught them about taking risk while starting a business.

He gave them knowledge of the various Government and Bank schemes for starting a business.

Questions were asked about phenyl making business and selling of dry fish. He answered their queries and also made them discuss other possibilities.

The participants were happy with the session and the discussions.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Exposure visit of SHG women from Savdhaan Social Centre Manori to Dena Bank Uttan on 14/6/16

On 14-6-2016 Savdhaan Social Center  Manori organized a  SHG women's Exposure visit to  Dena Bank Uttan. About 17 women participated in this visit.

Mr. Subash gave an explanation of the functioning of the Bank and the services it renders to the people.

The  women were happy to know about the Bank and asked questions to gain some clarifications.

Exposure visit of women from Sahayog Samaj Kendra Uttan Chowk to Bhayander Post Office on 14/6/16

On 14th June 26 women along with the Sr. Chaya and Suvidha the social worker  from uttan chowk Sahayog Samaz Kendra  visited the Bhayander  post office. 

The Manager of the post office Mr. Ramesh Tarlikar explained to the women all the different functions which a post office performs. After that some women cleared their doubts by asking questions.  

It was a  meaningful  visit to post office.   

Income Generation programme at Snehajyot Samaj Kendra Uttan 14/6/16

On 14/6/16, Snehajyot Samaj Kendra Uttan organized a 2nd session of an income generation programme for the adolescent girls. There were 27 participants. Mr Dayanand Patil was resource person.

He explained to them how to  start a  business and the  steps for  starting a business such as market survey ,  product, creating a  brand,  labelling,  pricing, packaging,  advertisement, and selling. He made them aware of the various Government and Bank schemes for starting a business.

Games related to the theme were also conducted.  He also taught them about taking risk while starting a business.

Many asked questions about catering business. He answered their queries and gave them information about getting permission for starting a business.

It was a very informative session.

Monday, 13 June 2016

PRA process training programme in Upper and Lower koliwada on 13/6/16

On 13/6/16 Suryodaya Samaj Kendra Gorai had organised PRA process training programme in Upper and  Lower koliwada. About 60 members consisting of children, women, youth and fisher folk were present.

Mr. Dayanand Patil Programme Coordinator gave an understanding of the Participatory rural appraisal process and the tools for implementing the same.


He practically demonstrated the tools for the members. 

The members too actively participated in the programme.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

PRA meeting in Anandnagar on 12/6/16 by Prerna Seva Kendra Dongri

On 12-6-2016 Prerna Seva Kendra,Dongri organized PRA meeting in Anandnagar n Talavali area.
There were 16 participants present for the meeting. Ms Rasika  Bhandari along with the core committee members Mr.Simon Mendonsa and Mrs. Celine Patil led the discussion on Reflection chart.  

They discussed on various issues such as farming, water, employment, health status situation of the villagers 20 years before and now. They enumerated the factors responsible for change.

They decided unitedly to resolve the water issue.  

Saturday, 11 June 2016

PRA training programme by Savdhaan Social Centre on 11/6/16

On 11th June 2016  Savdhaan Social Center, Manori has organized PRA training programme. There were 13 participants consisting of the core committee members and Area selective leaders.  Mr. Dayanand  Patil
was resource person.

This programme was an orientation programme given to the members to organise group meetings in the villages. Responsibilities were distributed among the members. The members were to conduct a group discussions and collect data on various issues pertaining to the village.

The members would then present this data collected from the villages in the next PRA meeting.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Follow up of PRA training programme at Prerna Seva Kendra Dongri on 10/6/16

On 10-6-2016 Prerna Seva Kendra,Dongri had organized follow up  meeting of PRA at Tarodi area. Mr Dayanand Patil & Ms Rasika Bhandari  animated the session.

Core committee members- Mr John Gonsalves, Mrs Manju Nunes, Mrs Sadhna Nunes, Mr Edwin Nunes & 20 villagers including Men, Women , Children, Senior citizens participated in the meeting

The goal of this meeting was to increase the participation and create an awareness of current situation & development of the village.

They used the tool for geographical resource mapping to have a complete picture of the village. Villagers drew the resource map of Tarodi village by using materials such as  chalk, Ash, white chuna powder ,flowers etc. Every villager wanted to include their house, farmland, bylanes so they discussed with each other during the activity. Through this activity they understood the importance of village map

 It also enabled the core committee to know whether the people would collaborate with the CCO in their interventions. There was a good response and active participation from villagers.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Environment rally with Balsansad children at Dongri

Prerna Seva Kendra Dongri Celebrated  the World Environment Day  on 9th June 2016 by organising a environment rally from our Lady of Bethlehem Church Dongri to Tarodi from 5.00pm to 6.30 pm. 

The CSA staff and Core committee members led the rally. A total of 35 children participated in the rally. They began by raising slogans, displaying posters to create awareness among the people to save nature & save the water.

The rally ended with two skits performed by Balsansad children from Dongri, one showing the importance of saving trees and another making optimum use of water and avoiding the wastage of water. 

It was an attempt to create awareness about saving the environment.

Snehajyot Samaj Kendre Uttan organised  a rally to celebrate World environment day from 7am to 9.30 am  on 9th June 2016.

A total of 61 children participated in the Rally. The children raised slogans and sang awareness songs. 

It was intended to create an awareness about the saving the environment among the village people. It was aimed at encouraging the  people to save trees, to plant trees, to save water etc. 

It was a meaningful attempt to get the people to reflect on environmental issues. 

World Environment Day Rally Chowk CCO 9-6-16

Sahayog Samaz Kendra Chowk celebrated world environment day on 9th June 2016 from 7am to 9.30 am. A total of 136 children participated in the Rally. 

It was organised to create an awareness about saving the environment among the village people. 

Information was given to people to save trees, to plant trees, to save water etc.. 

The children prepared banners and sang awareness songs and raised slogans. It was a meaningful event inviting the children to reflect on the environment issues.
On the 9th of June 2016, Suryodaya Samaj Kendra Gorai organised a rally to celebrate the World Environment Day. A total number of 80 balsansad children participated in the rally. 

Many saplings   were planted in order the mark the event in the presence of Fr. Micheal, Fr. Sandeep and the core committee members in the Church compound. 

They then began the rally by raising slogans, displaying posters in  Gorai Culvem village. This rally aimed to create awareness about saving the enviornment.

 It was a beautiful awareness creating attempt by the children.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

PRA Training for Core Committe of Dongri CCO 7-6-16

Prerana Seva Kendra, Dongri CCO organized a PRA (Participative Rural Appraisal) Training cum Orientation for the Core Committee members from the 9 zones of the Dongri Parish. 9 members actively participated from 3.00pm to 5.00pm on the 7th June, 2016. 

Mr. Dayanand Patil the Program Coordinator for the Project led the group to understand the concept of PRA and the various tools and exercises to be used in order to assess the community and how it can be used as an effective means to understand the community and link it to plan for the proposed interventions. 

Basing in input on the PRA exercises and tools, Mr. Dayanand then went on to explain to them how they would need to use the tools to assess the zones they represent and they were assigned the responsibility to collect this information after discussion at the local level. They would need to share this information at the next meeting which would be held after ten days. 

Fr. Mario Mendes the Director of CSA was present during the session and later addressed the group. He encouraged them to ensure that they contribute to the process. They need to have a sense of self worth as they need not ask others to supply and fulfil their needs but they can look at opportunities to discover their strengths and find ways to fulfil their own needs. 

~ Dayanand Patil

Monday, 6 June 2016

PRA Training for Core Committee Members of Uttan CCO 6-6-16

Snehajyot Samaj Kendra, Uttan CCO organized a PRA (Participative Rural Appraisal) Training for the Core Committee and Selective Leaders from the Uttan Communities. 22 persons participated in this training. 

Mr. Dayanand Patil the Program Coordinator for the Project led the group into thinking about the goal and objectives of the Project and how to use PRA tools and exercises to bring about an effective understanding of the community. 

He started the training with an introduction into CSA's goals and how Uttan CCO would need take up leadership and ownership of the programme. The Core Committee members were urged to understand this process so that they could then plan for the third year of the project. 

After the input part, the group was divided into zones and the tools of PRA was shared and they were asked to share on the situation in their zone and collect their findigings and insights. 

The group would then meet after ten days to share on their findings and work out a concrete plan of action which would be included in the third year of the project. 

~ Dayanand Patil. 

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...