Thursday, 29 September 2016

TOT SESSION on 29/9/16 at Gorai

A TOT session was held on 29/9/16 at Gorai. 22 members were present for the session.           

Sr. Christel welcomed Mr. Dayanand Patil and Ms. Natal began the session with an ice breaker through the ladies got introduced to each other

Ms. Nasim then gave information about the institute and work of the organization. With an example of ice and sun she explained that we too could help each other.

Ms Natal then told the story of a girl who was crossing the river. She also asked questions and spoke of the current status of the Self help group

Sr. Christel also explained how the continuity of the Self help group could be maintained and Mr. Dayanand Patil gave his impressions and concluded the meeting.

It was a very informative session.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Core committee Training on 'Problem Solving Techniques' at Uttan on 28/9/2016

Core committee training on Problem Solving Techniques’ was held on 28th September 2016 at Uttan at 10.30 am. 10 members were present. Mr Mecanzy Dabre was resource person.

He began by asking the members about the problems that they faced. All the members expressed all the problems and presented the three main problems that they have decided to take up i.e. Cleanliness, health, Addiction and higher education.

 Resource person explained about ‘Problem Solving Techniques’. The techniques are as follows:
1.     To Identify the problems with people
2.     To understand the problems from all angles
3.     To organise the information with people
4.     To allocate resources
5.     Make action plan with people- allocate the responsibilities
6.     Implementation & monitoring with people
7.     Continue the process & follow ups
8.     Check & evaluation with people

There was an active participation from all members and each one benefitted from the session. The members got an understanding of how to solve a problem.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Awareness Rally on Cleanliness by Balsansad Children in Uttan on 22/9/16

On 22nd Sep. 2016,  an awareness rally on cleanliness was held by  Balsansad children. It was in  preparation for  23rd coastal clean-up day. There were around 100 children participants. Core Committee members and Family Service Centre staff also  participated in it.

This rally took place in all the villages of Uttan. Children carried some posters and raised different slogans related to cleanliness.

There was a good support from the Core Committee in handling the children and leading the rally. The children too participated whole heartedly

The people appreciated the efforts made by the children.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Core committee Training at Dongri on 20/9/2016

Core committee training programme was held on 20th Sept. 2016 at Belen Mauli School, Dongri at 4.00 pm. 12 members  were present for the meeting. Mr Mecanzy Dabre, and Mr Maxwell Roz were the  resource persons . Mr Dayanand Patil introduced the resource persons to core committee members.
 Resource persons explained the topic of ’ Problem Solving Techniques’.

The Steps are as follows:
1.      To Identify the problems with people
2.      To understand the problems from  all angles
3.      To organise the information with people
4.      To allocate resources
5.      Make action plan with people- allocate the responsibilities
6.      Implementation & monitoring with people
7.      Continue the  process & follow ups
8.      Check & evaluation with people

It was interactive training where the subcommittee members shared their issues , their causes and measures taken. The core committee members emphasised on the  three issues such as  
 ‘Transportation’, ‘Cleanliness & Health’, and ‘Water Scarcity during Summer Season’.

The training concluded with the assignment of responsibilities to the core committee members depending on the information gathered about the issues and it was  decided to share the information with maximum number of people in their locality.

After the training the members planned the date & time of next meeting. The training ended with a vote of thanks by a Core committee member.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Girl- Child Day celebration at Gorai on 15/9/16

A session on Importance of a girl child was held in Gorai on 15/9/16. 120 girls were present for this programme.

Sr. Christel spoke about the importance of girl child in today world where there is a lot of injustice and atrocities done against young girls which are increasing day by day. She also spoke of the problems of girl. Sr. Christel also presented  case studies. She stressed on the need to protect themselves.

Sr. Neelam spoke on Modernity of dresses, behavior, discipline etc. A Power point presentation was shown on Save the girl child . Awareness songs were sung.

The programme ended with a vote of thanks.  

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Core-Committee meeting held at Gorai on 13/9/16

On 13/9/16, a session on Problem Solving Techniques was held in Gorai for the Core committee members. 12 members were present. The session began with the introduction of the Resource Person Mr, Mackenzie Dabre  by Sr. Christel.

Mr. Dayanand briefed them about last meeting which was held with Sub committees on the three issues of Water, Ration & Health.  
The resource person then enquired about each issue and explained to them the problems solving techniques. He mentioned that concrete steps have to be taken to solve any problems. There are more than 7 steps that needed to be followed to solve any problem.
He explained that base line data of the issues needed to be collected. The advantages & disadvantages of the issues have to be seen and further on, an action plan needed to be drawn. All have to collaborate to solve any problem. Awareness is gained in to the root causes and its effects on people’s lives of any problem.
  Core Committee members also shared their experience regarding Water & Ration issue and the way they had tried to solve this issue.


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks. 

A core committee meeting on problem solving techniques on 13/9/16 at Manori

The Core Committee meeting was held on 13th September 2016 in Manori church hall at 11.00 a.m.  There were 14 participants. The meeting was conducted by Mr. Macanzi Dabre on the topic of Problem Solving Techniques.  CSA program coordinator Mr. Dayanand Patil introduced the resource person.

Mr. Macanzi Dabre interacted with the Core Committee member asking question such as  what is the actual problem they were facing in their village and to identify any three issues.
The core committee put forth the three issues such as :-
1.       Health
2.       Addiction to Alcohol
3.       Lack of higher education

Followed by this Mr. Macanzi Dabre explained what techniques can be used in solving the problems.
They are:
1.       To understand the problem.
2.       To collect the right information.
3.       Listing the information that is done.
4.       Co-operation and coordination of the people.
5.       Collecting the government information
6.       Finding the options
7.        Before whom to put forward the issues.
8.       To make an action plan.
9.       To find out what were the merits and demerits.
10.   Evaluation of the program.

There would be a core committee meeting held on  26th September 2016 and an  action plan would be prepared. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Balsansad Interactive Session at Uttan Mothagoan on 7/9/16

On 7th September 16, An interactive session for Balsansad children on their rights was organised. 20 children participated in it.  Mr Malcome Sabrea, the school as well as tuition teacher was the resource person.

He mainly interacted with children about their rights like Health, Education, Shelter, Environment, food, entertainment  and made the session more interesting by getting the materials like Ball, Note Book, Dictionary, games, medicine, Water, Bible since all are belong to same religion, ring etc. Using these things he highlighted their rights.

He ended with question - What is difference between the learning in the school and participating in a Balsansad meeting?. Children were able to tell the difference that that in a school only few children get the opportunity to come forward but in Balsansad all the children participate in all the activities. Each child is given attention and encouraged. 

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...