Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Personality Seminar
Date: 20th Dec 2016
Time: 10.30 to 12.30
Venue: Marathi Medium school Gorai
Members: 53students of 7th & 8th
Topic: Personality development
Resourse Person: Sr Christel Tuscano

Report:- The session began with introduction by head master then he welcome resource person, then Sr. Christel stressed on following points like self-image, self-identity, we are God’s gift, also inferiority complex, comparison with other, how we on have positive attitude about own self & with others.
             The importance of education through education how one can proceed in life etc. with of question & answer, discussion we winded up the session.

Outcome: - children were very participative they received lot of information, teachers were very co-operative.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Session on Child Abuse and Child rights fort the Balsansad children at Dongri
On 23rd December 2016 we had the session on Child Abuse and Child rights fort the Balsansad children at Dongri by Sr. Anjeli. There were total 11 children who attended the session. Sr. Anjali gave the background of the session and she continued with fundamental rights like
·       Education,
·       Health, Clothing and food   

·       Shelter
Then she spoke on Child Abuse where she explained to them what Child Abuse is in it the good touch and the bad touch. She explained the types of Child Abuse like Emotional, Sexual, Child Labour and Physical.  Also spoke about how it affects the children.

Without making them scared sr. explained how they can be attentive and save themselves from it. 
Third session of Financial Empowerment program on Budget for women at Uttan

On 22 December 2016 had  3rd session on budget for women. There were total 9 women attended the session and Mr. Dayanand was the resource person for it. He spoke on Budget. 



He spoke on following points:
    Introduction to the topics
  • What is Income
·        What is Expenditure?
·        How to manage our finances?
·        How we can reduce our expenses?
There was the good response from the women and they felt the importance of it. Through group work they were able to understand in better way.  Women became aware of the fact of budget and found it very helpful. They realized and learnt how to go about it.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Visit to the Agriculture Department and Kharland Department at Thane:
On 21st December 2016 CSA DI Coordinator Mr. Dayanand and Dongri CCO Mr. Tenison paid visit to Agriculture Department and Kharland Department at Thane. The purpose behind it to get the information related some schemes for the farmers and the training programs. They met Mr. Methari, Mr. Chadavde (Head of Atma Project), Mr. Bhambre MCD (Maharashtra centre for Entrepreneurship Development) They introduced themselves and gave them the information about CSA and CCO. They also collected some information regarding Kharland Department and how department can help the people to solve this problem.

The head of the Department Mr. Methari will have the site visit and then will do the needful. Related to Agriculture Mr. Chadavde suggested to contact Mr. Vijay Patil (Krushi Adhikari).  They will give the session for the farmers by second week of January 2017. 

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Inaugural program of English Literacy program at Dongri:
On 13th December 2016 we began the English Literacy Program at Dongri. Fr. Peter D’chuna (Dongri CCO Director, Mr. Jhon and Mr. Edwin the Core Committee members, Mrs. Supriya the Teacher of the ELP and the parents of the students, CSA staff Sr. Martha and Dongri CCO staff Mr. Tenison. There were total 24 students in the class. Fr. Peter in his address made the parents and the children the importance of this program. He also requested them to be regular and serious about it.  He congratulated and encouraged the students for attending these classes.

After the program Mr. Supriya continued with the class. There was the good response from the parents of the students. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Children camp at Manori

On 12th December 2016 Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had one day Balsansad camp for children. Total 62 children were present. The camp began with the Prayer led by Ms Snehal. In the camp Ms Venisa had thought them creative craft. Ms Suvarna talks on Health. She said that the avoiding the junk food because it’s   badly effected on health. In a camp also have attraction of games, action songs. The camp ends with vote of Thanks.

Interaction with Children & Teacher at Manori on 10th December 2016.

On 10th December 2016 Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had interactive session with Balsansad children & teacher.  Total 36 were present. Mr. Novel Bendomar was resource person. He talks about on child rights of Education, right of safety & security in their family.

Cleanliness Rally of Balsansad Children at Manori

On 8th December Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had organised Cleanliness Rally at late evening. Total 50 children, core committee; CSA+ CCO staff took active part in the rally. The rally began from St John zone to St. Anthony Zone. They then began the raising slogan, displaying posters on Cleanliness. At Every zone ending point children were sung action song ‘Tumala kadhi ho Samjayache’. At st Anthony zone children was played the role play on “Cleanliness”. This rally aimed to create awareness on clean the Manori village & prevent diseases. 

Domestic Worker Meeting At Manori

On 8th December 2016 Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori had domestic worker introductory meeting. Total 13 were present for the meeting. Ms. Rasika Bhandari has explained them about the Domestic Worker Skill Enhancement program. All participants have shown interest to attend this certificate course.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Dongri Core Committee visit to MBMC and Parivahan Department

On 9th December 2016 the core committee members of Dongri had visit to MBMC and Parivahan Department to ask them to have a special bus service for Dongri parish in morning hours. During meeting they decided to have signature campaigns which will the proof of the need of all the people.  As per the discussion in core committee meeting Transportation was the one of the problem face by the Dongri people. The members prepared a letter addressing to the Parivahan Department and MBMC asking for the special bus service at Dongri.

The members explained to Mr. William Govind (Parivahan Department) and Mr. Aanand Gabale (MBMC) about the problem of transportation at Dongri. There was a good response from them where they assured us to provide one special bus for Dongri the end of December 2016, only they requested to give them some time where they will discuss and will take the action.


First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...