Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Follow up meeting with Fisher folk Society at Manori

Date: 2nd June 2017

Time: 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm

Venue: Manori Sarvodaya Fishermen’s Society

CC members:  5

Fisher Folk Men : 25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

On 2nd June 2017 Savdhaan Social Centre, Manori organized meeting with all community fisher folk men’s.  For this meeting resource person was Mr. Morris Kinny (Manori Village- Public Representatives). Ms. Snehal & Ms Suvarna - CCO staff introduced the Savdhaan Social Centre and work done in the previous years.  Core Committee had taken initiatives & shared program plans of Inter religious dialogue program, tree plantation & issues has taken by CC on Cleanliness & education. Ms. Rasika has explained the educational information format which was approved from all. The fisher folks Men have give the positive response and said that they will help & take active part in the CCO’s work.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Session with Balsansad on Democratic Value

On 11th May 2017, a session on Democratic Value was conducted for the balsansad children(32) of dongri. The resource person to conduct this session was Ms Suvarna Belu. In this session, Ms Suvarna spoke on the meaning and the definition Democratic value. She mentioned saying that democracy is of the people, for the people and by the people.To understand the concept better, the resource person divided the children into groups and conducted activities, However, she spoke on 3 important values and elaborated on each value explaining it to them
1) freedom- every individual has the freedom of speech and choice
2)Equality: every individual had the right to education
3)Fraternity: Love and respect should be given to every individual, there should be no discrimination
The children were very attentive during the entire session and enjoyed the session. They answered all questions that were asked to them and also raised the question on the points they did not understand.CSA is going to continue inculcating the right values to nurture the future of our country through balsansad

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Ongoing health Development - Dongri

One of the issue that  was discussed to be undertaken by our cco members of dongri was ‘Health’
After the inauguration of the mobile health clinic, there is an ongoing effort to maintain the health and sanitization of dongri. With the coming rains and the amount of disease that are spread during that time because of mosquitoes, the CCO members felt the need to reduce the mosquitoes in the village in order to reduce the chances of falling ill. CSA STAFF SR Martha  along with the our cco staff approached the NBMC and informed them about the problem. The NBMC took immediate action and on  30th May they send a staff to spray the liquid medicine in dongri, the core committee members went along with the NBMC staff on that particular day to show them areas that had many mosquitoes and also monitored the work done. The people of dongri are very happy after the spraying of the medicine the mosquitoes of the village have reduced 

First ever mobile health clinic at Dongri Inaugurated on 1st June 2017

The CCO Members of Dongri and the prerna Seva Kendra realised that there is a need to enhance the health facilities/ Medical facility of dongri. With further discussion and meetings, they came to a conclusion of having a health clinic at dongri. On 24th May, the  CCO members along with our partner organization drafted a letter stating the requirement and presented it to Mr Panpatte working with the MBMC. This initiative was undertaken under the guidance of our CSA Staff.During their meeting with Mr Panpatte, the CCO staff shared the difficulties faced by the people of dongri as they do not have a health clinic.  After hearing the issues the people face he assured that the NBMC will facilitate a  health drive that will be conducted on every first Thursday of the month. The First drive will be held on 1st June 2017 and eventually, the NBMC will work on establishing a  government dispensary at Dongri.

As promised by Mr Panpatte on 1st June dongri inaugurated its first ever Mobile Clinic that was made available to all the people of dongri. 41 people attended the medical checkup. There were 4 Doctors with two nurses along with additional staff . The Medical team had all required medicine and equipment to conduct a successful medical drive.
 The people of dongri feel that The introduction of the mobile is a blessing to them and now, Dongri is all geared up to live a  healthier life.

Tree Plantation Program - Balsansad & Core committee group at Manori

5TH June 2017 was world environment day, Manori celebrated this day by organizing a tree plantation program at Manori ferry boat road. ,Mr. Morris and Mr Dayanaad , were the resource people for the day. They also spoke on the importance of tress for the environment, and in our lives. The plants were organized by the CCO staff and core committee members, 40 plants were arranged. Eleven plants were planted in each pit, the responsibility to nuture the plant was given to the core committee members along with the balsansad children. The remaining plants will be planted on 8th June 2017

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...