Saturday, 23 May 2015

Networking with Stakeholders - Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute & RuTAG IITB

The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), established by Government of India on February 3rd 1947, has emerged as a leading tropical marine fisheries research institute in the world. Centre for Social Action participated in a stakeholders meeting organized by CMFRI on 17th April, 2015. The participants ranged from scientists of CMFRI, representatives of various fisheries cooperatives, officials of related government departments, and members of Social work organizations involved with fishing communities.

In his inaugural address, Dr. Veerendra Veer Singh, Scientist In Charge of Mumbai Research Centre of CMFRI highlighted the work done by the Institute and made special mention of their collaboration with Centre for Social Action. Various scientists and social activists spoke highlighting the issues faced by fishing communities, especially the environmental degradation of the sea and challenges faced by small-time fisher folk due to over-exploitation of the resources of the sea by large fishing trawlers.

Fr Mario drew the attention of the stakeholders to the need for an “Inclusive, Holistic and Sustainable Development.” He explained that an inclusive approach should not pitch small-time fisher folk directly in competition with the capital-intensive fishing industry, but rather provide them various means of social security, infrastructure and support for marketing. A holistic approach would focus not only one aspect of improving the catch of fish, but would take an all-round perspective because problems are inter-connected and need to be addressed simultaneously. Finally, sustainable development has to be sensitive to environmental concerns, and Fr Mario called for the formation of “sea protection committees” on the lines of the “forest protection committees” (Van Raksha Samitis) successfully run across India. He concluded by emphasizing on the need to train and strengthen fisheries cooperatives as a means of bringing about true development of the fishing communities.

A Workshop on -Potential Technological Interventions in Fisheries 
Date: 22nd May, 2015 in IIT Bombay campus 

The workshop is being organized by RuTAG IITB (Rural Technology Action group). RuTAG is a project initiated by the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the GOI as a mechanism to achieve rural advancements through S&T interventions. RuTAG at IIT Bombay focuses on rural areas of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Our interest in fisheries project is due to the fact that fishing is one of the important sources of livelihood in all these states. The main objective of the workshop was to identify appropriate projects / technological interventions in area of fisheries that IITB can work on along with the related institutes. This workshop mainly targeted NGOs working for welfare of fishermen through technological interventions. A few NGO representatives including CSA were given opportunity to participate in the workshop and share typical problems / difficulties faced by them. Fr. Mario and Mr. Cletus made a presentation on the challenges faced by the Fishermen of Dharavi Island.

In their response, the CMFRI representatives expressed that there is a need to shift from solely focusing on “fish in the sea” to the multiple issues faced by fisher folk! They spoke of increasing not only the “natural capital” of fish in the sea, but also the “social, human, physical and financial capital” of the fisher folk.

CSA looks forward to continuing its fruitful collaboration with CMFRI and RuTAG IIT-B for the development of fishing communities looking at technological innovations that are applicable to them.

Friday, 15 May 2015

CCO Staff trained in Report Writing & Documentation

On 14th May, 2015, CSA organized a full day training program on Report Writing and Documentation at Uttan for the staff from the 6 Community Centre Organizations of Dharavi Island. The resource person for the session was Mr. Cletus Zuzarte (CSA Staff) and 18 people benefited from the session. All CCO staff has taken active part in the discussions and shared their difficulties, challenges, learning, suggestions, etc. This session was helpful to improve their report writing, documentation skills. Participants learnt the importance of maintaining documents and its method and process. Participants expressed that their self-confidence has increased since they got clear idea about the documentation process.

During the participative training program, Mr. Cletus stressed mainly on the need for maintaining weekly planning and daily reporting. The need to maintain documentation along with photographs and statistics andthe habit of maintaining a daily diary which will assist us personally and also enhance our work was stressed. The need for report writing and case work was also explained, especially of how it is useful in raising awareness about our work and in fund raising.

Participants expressed that they need training / inputs sessions on different topics that are important in work which helps them to improve the working style and their functioning. 


Monday, 4 May 2015

Good Governance in Action

Training on Good Governance

A half day training program on Good Governance was held on 28rd March 2015 and was attended by 32 youth of Chowk Parish. Mr. Adrian Rosario from  Infinity Consultancy Services was the  resource person for the day. He is also on the Editorial Board of Examiner and visiting faculty member at the College of Social Work Niramla Niketan. The resource person spoke about the responsibilities of the Government and the role it plays in the development of civil society and how we as citizens  need to coordinate with the different departments of the Government on a regular basis. Mr. Adrian also stressed on the importance of putting to end corruption for Good Governance. The youth were divided into 5 groups and given different situations from their daily lives and were asked to demonstrate how good governance can change these situations for the betterment of all. All the youth participated in the discussion and each group presented their views to the others. The youth voiced their opinion on how all of us have to play our part in society and that through our active participation we will be able to have a just and equal society where Good Governance prevails. Just blaming others will not help and we need to do our bit for society and take full responsibility. An example on the right to vote was given and the youth were told the importance of voting and how it affects the system if we abstain from voting. We are all citizens of the country and therefore need to be part of the governance process as we too are the stakeholders. Right To Information (RTI) can also be used to find details of the different works in the Government department and ensuring that Good Governance assists the people to live life to the fullest. The youth shared that they have now understood the importance of their role in Good Governance and also how they should never support corrupt practices as they cause hindrances in the development of the county.

Struggle for Water
A rally was organized by the Machimar (Fishery) Co-operative society, Goraion the 20th April, 2015to BMC office, Borivli ‘R’ ward, where around 300 Women from Gorai Parish participated and took the initiative to raise one of the local issues of scarcity of water successfully.To fight against the system, majority of the women were holding banners with various slogans and even carried clay pots to this rally. The Corporator, Mr. Shivananda Shetty and Suryodaya Community Centre, Gorai has taken the initiative to intervene and resolve the acute water problem which is being faced by the people of Gorai village.

The Corporator, Mr. Shivananda Shetty along with his representatives, Mrs. Rikshela Manaji, Natal Babru, Sanita Kinny, Anni Hendriqes and some men from the co-operative society had a word with the BMC officer-in charge, regarding the water problems faced by the people of Gorai. The rally got sufficient media coverage and Zee news along with other media houses present, interviewed the corporator Mr. Shivananda Shetty and few women who participated in the rally. The women, who carried clay water pots, broke them in front of the BMC office as a sign of protest. The BMC officials understood the grievance and gave an assurance that they will enhance the existing water facilities in the village and build a storage tank to solve the problem.   On the whole, it was a well-planned “Rally”.

Aadhaar Card Camp
Suryodaya Community Center, Gorai with the assistance  of Gorai corporator Mr. Shivanadh Shetty organized an Aadhaar Card Camp on 2nd & 3rd May 2015 at Gorai Holy Magi Church Hall.  The main objective of this camp was to help those people who had not yet got an Aadhar Card to apply for the same. Around 105 persons including men, women and youth from various communities availed of the benefit to apply for a new Aadhar card. Some of them even got their existing cards corrected by updating their data on the form.Many people thanked the staff and the volunteers of Gorai CCO for organizing this camp. 

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...