Friday, 12 June 2015

Project Second Year Planning - Logframe and Targets


Topic:                    Dharavi Island CSA, CCO Directors and staff meeting along with Fr. Mario Mendes

Date   :                  12th June, 2015           Time   :  10.00am to 2.15pm

Venue:                  Mukti Sagar Prabodhan Kendra Ground floor Hall

Names of Participants
Absent / Excused
1.       Fr. Mario Mendes
2.       Fr. Michael D’souza
3.       Fr. Joseph Borges
4.       Fr. Francis Mascarenhas
5.       Fr. James D’silva
6.       Mr. Cletus Zuzarte
7.       Mr. Mario Remedios
8.       Ms. Sheetal Palande
9.       Sr. Shweta
10.   Sr. Sheila
11.   Sr. Martha
12.   Sr. Christle
13.   Sr. Joanna
14.   Ms. Valencia Colaso
15.   Ms. Snehal Patil
16.   Ms. Nasim Kasughar
17.   Ms. Nathale Gabru
18.   Ms. Suvidha Patil
19.   Ms. Justina R Naik
20.   Ms. Carol Munis

Fr. Peter D’cunha – Excused

Fr. Barthol Machado - Excused

Ms. Manisha Kharja -  Study Leave

Ms. Suvarna Bhandya – Study Leave

Ms. Sanjana Bhandari – Study Leave

Ms. Rasika Bhandari - Excused

The Directors of the CCOs met with Fr. Mario Mendes - Director of CSA and discussed about the project being carried out in each of their parishes, the challenges that they faced and their expectations from the next phase.

The Meeting began at 11.00am with a welcome by Fr. Mario to all the participants especially to Sr. Joanna who being a Community Team Leader expressed her need to understand how her community member was functioning in the context of the project being implemented. Sheetal the DI Project Coordinator began by making a presentation on the Status of the implementation of the Project as per the logical framework, the programs and activities completed and the number of programs that are yet to be completed as per the logframe deliverables. The CCO staff then complemented the presentation by sharing case studies on the impact of the programme in each of the CCOs through a PPT Presentation. During the course of the Presentation by Sheetal and the CCO staff many points were taken up for discussion, these points along with the decisions taken are mentioned below:

v   The trainings and meetings that were held with the CSA and CCO staff was useful, resourceful and applicable for the day to day work in the area.
v   CCO staff earlier assumed that there would be a resource person who would need to conduct the financial literacy training program, hence they expressed the possible challenge of conducting it as most meetings take place after 8pm. Fr. Mario clarified that the CCO staff would need to conduct the training and not an external resource person.
v   The CCO Staff expressed that all the women were from the lower economic background, hence it was suggested by Fr. Mario to select 5 SHGs which were the most underpriviledged and the CCO staff could conduct the financial literacy training within their monthly meetings.
v   The staff expressed that earlier there was lack of clarity regarding the project and its log frame and only after the training on the 30th May that they understood the logframe and its deliverables.
v   Core Team Members selected by the CCO from the area could be trained along with the CCO staff on the Log Frame and its deliverables so as to enhance the process of ownership and sustainability of the project.
v   Concerning Human Resource Development, it was suggested that there will be 2 meeting of the DI CSA and CCO staff along with the Core team of the respective parishes on the 23rd of July and the next meeting would be decided when the group would meet. Further 2 training programs would be held for the same Core Team in August and December 2015 for their empowerment, sustainability and ownership of the people of the CCO.
v   The need for sustainability of CCO programs and funding was expressed and that the same can be attained if each Parish has a Core Team who are well trained and thus even if there is change in the Priest’s, CCO or CSA staff the CCO will function and sustain itself.
v   Financial Literacy Programme could be also extended to the Fishermen from the Fisherfolk Societies operational in the 5 CCOs of Dharavi Island.
v   CCO staff expressed the challenge they faced when they visit government offices and other stakeholders for their official work, hence they suggested that they be provided ID Cards. Fr. Mario clarified that CSA would not take up the responsibility of issuing these ID cards however the local CCO could issue the same.
v   The target group of identified  young couples could be handed over for further guidance and follow up to the Parish Family Cell and in case any other further case is identified these too could be referred to them.
v   The motivated and prepared youth from each CCO could now be handed over to the Youth Director from the Bhayandar Deanery for further follow up and action. However the CCO partners felt that the youth within each CCO who are still in touch could assist in some of the planned programs as and when required for e.g. women’s day celebration logistics.
v   The role of the CSA staff was clarified as one, that will be there to assist the CCO staff by guiding them, handholding them in the process, programs and activities of the CCO as per the logframe and the need of the respective identified target areas.
v   Mr. Cletus presented the Logframe for the 2nd year and as per the discussions on each of the data and deliverable the modified logframe would be sent to the CCOs for their review. The CCO Staff were asked to review the Data points discussed concerning the logframe and they were welcomed to give their inputs concerning the topics, groups and number of meetings etc.
v   Fr. Mario recommended that the Project for the coming year could focus on Financial Literacy for the people of DI and the 8 Modules for training the various target groups.
v   Since the Domestic Workers Movement team regularly visit the Dongri Parish and interact with the women it was recommended that we should not work with the same target group.

At the end of the meeting Fr. Mario thanked all the Parish Priests the CCO and CSA staff for their participation and wished them all the best for their work in the year ahead.

Minutes noted by: Mr. Mario Remedios                               Signature:  

Date submitted on: 12th of June, 2015

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