Thursday, 23 July 2015

Core Committee Understands its Role in the DI Project

Venue: Mukti Sagar Prabodhan Kendra, Uttan
Date: 23rd July, 2015On 23rd July, 2015 

Mr. Royston from Gorai CCO shared his views
Centre For Social Action in collaboration with 6 CBOs from Dharavi Island conducted a planning meeting with 72 representatives of “Core Committee Members” from all 6 CBOs i.e. Prerana Seva Kendra – Dongri, Snehjyot Samaj Kendra – Uttan, Sahjeevan Social Centre – Pali, Sahyog Samaj Kendra – Chowk, Suryoday Samaj Kendra – Gorai, Savdhaan Social Centre – Manori.
Program Coordinator - Sheetal explains the Logframe

The main objective of the meeting was to form a “Core Committee” with a view to bring ownership and sustainability to the CBOs. Through this meeting the members would take up the responsibility to strengthen their CBOs through their active participation in the planning and implementation of programmes at their CBO level.
Mr. Cletus Zuzarte from CSA along with CC Member from Uttan

Ms. Naseem, Gorai CCO Staff sharing challenges faced.
The meeting aimed to give an overview of the project of “Holistic Development of the People of Dharavi Island for the year July 2015 to June 2016 where the representatives were actively involved in the planning meeting. They have planned to raise some social issues in coming year.  

CSA & CCO Staff for 2015-16

Programme Coordinator:- Ms. Sheetal Palande

A brief on Sheetal

Social Worker: - Ms. Rasika Bhandari

A brief on Rasika

Social Worker: - Sr. Christle Tuscano

A brief on Sr. Christle

Social Worker: - Sr. Martha Manorkar

A brief on Sr. Martha

Friday, 17 July 2015

Orientation for Nirmala Niketan Field Work Students at Gorai

The Nirmala Niketan - College of Social Work Students were given an Orientation to the Dharavi Island Project - " Holistic Development of the people of Dharavi Island" on the 16th July, 2015 from 10.00am to 5.00pm. 

The staff of Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai gave an indepth understanding of the Project to the five students from Bachelor and Masters of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan College of Social Work with the aid of Powerpoint presentation. Along with the staff Mr. Royston, the Core Committee member too enthusiastically explain their involvement with the program activities. The students looked at the documentation maintained in the office and understood how the reports were filed and methodically filed. 

The students were introduced to the Bal Sansad Group of children and the meeting was conducted along with them. After lunch the students accompanied the staff as they visited the Gorai Village and were present for two SHG meetings. They carefully observed the proceedings of the meetings and shared their learnings too. 


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

CCO Profile - Sahayog Samaj Kendra, Chowk

Name of CCO: "Sahayog Samaj Kendra"

Year of Foundation: 2010

Vision: Bringing Social Change among the Poor and leading them to overall Development

Mission: To unite the needy and the poor, in order to bring development at the grassroot level.

Geographical Coverage: 
Covering 12 Areas (Vibhags)

Director: Fr. Joseph Borges

CCO Staff: Sr. Shweta and Ms. Suvidha

Infrastructure: CCO Office – Furniture, 2 Cupboards, 1 Computer with Internet, Telephone, Stationery.

Core Committee:The Core Committee consists of 14 Women representing the various vibhaagas of the parish. They are actively involved in the planning and implementation of Programmes. 
Name of BS Groups
St. Augustine
9 A
St. Joseph
9 B
St. John
St. Thomas
St. Francis Xavier
St. Mathew
2 B
St. Peter
Programme Interventions:

Women Leaders: 
v  2 Training Programmes conducted with 80 women leaders & Women’s Day celebrated. 
v  Other Government Schemes – Shramik Trainings for Women, JanShree LIC Policy
v  Many have come forward for trainings and other programmes.
v  General Medical Camp
v  Conflicts and family disputes exists, often because of negative attitudes.
v  Built self confidence

Women SHGs: 
8 Groups – maintaining attendance, cash book and files.

Youth Groups:
1 Group - functioning well. 

Environment Activities: 
Personal Hygiene, Coastal Clean up, Peace Rally, Area Cleanliness, Annual Picnic etc.

Health Activities: 
v  Herbal Medicine Awareness, 
v  Herbal Plantation, 
v  Sessions on First Aid, 
v  Blood Donation Camp, 
v  Health Awareness Sessions – on HIV AIDS, Tobacco consumption, Mammography test, Cancer.

Successful Programs: 
The successful programs conducted this year 2014-15 have been the following: Women’s Day, Children’s Day, Shramik Training Programmes, Bal Sansad Programes, Women Leaders Trainings, Youth Day, Kishori Trainings, Jan Shree Policy Awareness, Parent’s day, Girl Child Day, Sports Day and Drawing Competition. 

Challenges Faced:
v  Lack of Cooperation,
v  Financial Difficulties, 
v  Abortions, 
v  Lack of Education, 
v  Due to unseasonal timings of arrival and departure of fishing vessels, project programmes either get postponed or cancelled.

Lessons Learnt:
v  Learnt to take up responsibilities,
v  Learnt to tackle issues,
v  Developed personality,
v  Learnt to take up leadership

v  People are still diffident to come forward,
v  Some have no interest in any programme and in unity.
v  Few lack a sense of punctuality.


Beginning the Second Year of the Project 2014-15

The interventions in Dharavi Islands with the six Community Based Organizations of the Parishes has taken a new shape as the six Partners have begun the Second Year of the implementation of the Project with Misereor from 1st July, 2015. 

The groups continue to work at gaining greater access to 'entitlements' especially government schemes and the children and the kishori (adolescent) girls are being capacitated to understand their rights and take action on issues faced by them.

This Project is focused on making significant changes in the lives of the fisherfolk and farming communities with various target groups of vulnerable women and children.

CSA along with its six Partners continues to strengthen their organizational capacities to empower the target groups at the grassroots through mobilization of the community, forming them into Self Help Groups and then leading them to strengthen their financial base through financial literacy, advanced capacity building and leading them to strengthen their livelihood through existing Income Generation Activities and working on specifically new Income Generation Activities as well.

This year we shall dedicate our energies to Financial Literacy, wherein we hope to guide the small-time fisher folk in the practice of budgeting and savings, operating bank accounts, investing in Recurring Deposits and Fixed Deposits, accessing government schemes especially for life insurance and accident insurance, facilitating their access to treatment of serious ailments in hospitals under the Government health scheme Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Yojna, connecting them to institutions like the IIT Bombay (Mumbai) for technological solutions to ease their burdens and the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) for research based interventions to enhance the catch of fish. We have planned legal awareness camps for women, and are exploring the possibility of setting up legal-aid desks for women in distress. 

CCO Profile - Snehajyot CCO, Uttan

SNEHAJYOT  (The Flame of Friendship)
Centre for Community Organisation (CCO)

Having lit the flame of friendship and love, Fr. Michael and Sr. Crystal established the ‘Snehajyot’ CCO at Our Lady of the Sea parish in the year 2008, in order to continue the great task of social and community outreach which had begun with immense trials and hardships. The Centre for Community Organisation is a platform where people from different strata of society come together to dialogue and co-operate with one another with a common goal of social progress and edification. They do this with the help of resources (both human and material) available in their community. In order that this organisation remains goal-oriented, certain aims have been laid down to help it remain focused on its mission:

1)      To create an awareness among the people about the social concerns existing in the parish community.
2)      To create opportunities for economic, social and educational advancement for those who are poor and in need.
3)      To prepare and nurture ‘Support Groups’ to solve social issues.
4)      To make optimum use of the resources present in the community to tackle social issues.

Snehajyot was started under the aegis of the CSA (Centre for Social Action) so that projects of social development initiated by the CSA could be applied to the poorest of the poor at the grassroots of society. This CCO functions at the level of the parish community. Snehajyot works towards sustainable development for the poor and marginalised, empowerment of women and social and human development of other sections of society. Pillared on the fundamental values of human rights, justice, unity, co-operation, respect, equality and human dignity, Snehajyot CCO envisions and executes numerous projects and programmes in rationing, health advancement, women’s self-reliance and empowerment, child care and development, and for creating awareness about the importance of education.

Vision: To bring social change and development in the lives of the people.

Mission: Towards empowerment through quality education for social transformation, strengthening livelihood options and promoting holistic healthy communities.

Ongoing Activities:
1) Childrearing:  providing information about childrearing and important concerns about the health of mothers.
2) Children’s Parliament: Programmes are organised every Thursday in various zones of the parish to further awareness about children’s physical, mental, social and spiritual development.
3) Health: In order to raise the level of health awareness, various sessions are conducted on personal hygiene and also on the health schemes available in the local community. Health awareness drives and cleanliness drives are conducted regularly in each zone.
4) Women: Various programmes are held to promote and further the cause of women’s empowerment.
5) Alcoholics Anonymous: to assist and rehabilitate those who have been addicted to alcohol and gutka.
6) Social Issues: An awareness is created among the local populace about the various social issues affecting the community and assistance is provided in tackling these issues. (e.g. rationing, roads, toilets, bus services, etc.)

Future Programmes
1) Social and economic empowerment of men and women.
2) To raise the level of health.
3) To raise awareness about social issues and provide assistance in resolving them.
4) To create awareness about the available health facilities and so raise the awareness of health.
5) To promote holistic development of children.

Fr. Francis Mascarenhas – Director and Parish Priest of Our Lady of the sea Church

Sr. Martha Manorkar – CSA Staff for Snehajyot CCO
Qualification – Completed Bachelor of Social Work in  Nirmala Niketan College of Social Work.

Ms. Valencia Colaso – Completed Paraprofessional Course & Para counselling in NirmalaNiketan Extension Center in Goreagaon
Work Experience – 5 years in Snehjyot Community Center

Ms. Sanjina Bhandari – Completed B.A & Paraprofessional Course in NirmalaNiketan Extension Center,Goreagaon
Work Experience –  5 years in Snehjyot Community Center, Uttan

CCO Profile - Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai

Vision: To build a just society.

 Mission: Through empowerment, participation and development creating an integrated community.

To create an awareness in the community of all the issues.
To have a holistic approach towards community.
To enhance the people capacities.
To cultivate grassroots level leadership.

Rev Fr. Barthol Machado:
Director of Suryodaya Samaj Kendra – Gorai
Episcopal vicar, Parish priest of Holy Magi Church – Gorai and Manager of St. Aloysius High School – Gorai

Sr. Christel Tuscano S.R.A:
CSA - Coordinator for CCO at Gorai
B.S.W.& Diploma – Management in Social work

Miss. Nasim Kasughar:
Gorai CCO Social Worker 
Completed MSW, B.A. & Para professional in Social work.

Mrs.Natal Gabru:
Gorai CCO Animator
Completed Paraprofessional Course in Social Work and a Course in Basic Counselling. 

Core Committee:                             
20 members

CCO Profile - Savdhan Samaj Kendra, O.L.O.Perpetual Succor, Manori

Savdhan Samaj Kendra, O.L.O.Perpetual Succor, Manori

Director - Michael D'souza:

Parish Priest of O.L.O. Perpetual Succour Church, Manori. He has over 40 years of experience in the social work field and has worked with many well known CCOs in Mumbai Archdiocese. He was the Director of Jagruti Kendra, Jeri Meri, Mumbai; He established Snehajyot Samaj Kendra at Uttan and presently is the Director of Savdhan Samaj Kendra, Manori. 

Staff Profile:

Suvarna Edwin Bandya

Suvarna completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce from St. Joseph College, Uttan and thereafter completed her diploma in Social Work from College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan. Presently she is pursuing MSW from Indhira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Delhi. During her training in social work she interned with Sakhya domestic violence and women guidance centre.

As a social worker at Dharavi Island community centres she works in Savdhan Social Centre, Manori. This community focuses on issues related to women, children, and senior citizens. She is interested to work with women & children. Suvarna is fluent in Hindi, English, Marathi and the local Marathi dialect of Dharavi Island. Outside of work Suvarna likes to dance, listening music and interacted with new people.

Snehal Benedict Patil:

Snehal Patil completed her HSC in arts from St. Joseph Jr College, Uttan and thereafter completed her D.T.ED from St. John De’brito College, Vasai and diploma in Social Work from College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan. During her training in social work she interned with Centre for Development Initiatives.

As a social worker at Dharavi Island community centres she works in Savdhan Social Centre, Manori. This community focuses on issues related to women, Kishoris & children. Snehal is fluent in Hindi, English, Marathi and the local Marathi dialect of Dharavi Island. Outside of work Snehal likes to dance, singing and travel. Prior to joining CSA she was working with children as a Sunday school teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Pali till date.

CCO Profile - SahaJeevan Social Centre, Pali

Saha Jeevan Social Centre, Pali

Our Lady of Lourdes Church

A society where the values of compassion, equality, justice and harmony flourish and everyone experiences the fullness of life 

Reaching out to the powerless and the voiceless, especially women and children and empowering them.

To bring people especially women and children on equal platform with Socio. Economic, Physical, and Mental well-being of every person by their won involvement in the Activities of the Centre

1. To develop women’s capacity to organize them with the emerging social, and economic, political, issues that affect their lives.
2. To motivate parents to send their children to school and make them aware of the importance of the education.
3. To inculcate in them the importance inter-religious dialogue for the peaceful community.
4. Vocational trainings and carrier guidance for the youth girls and boys for their better future.
5. Importance of SHG, Inter-Lone, Govt. Schemes and the resources that are avail in govt. offices.
6. Awareness on all the Health related diseases.
7. The legal and political rights of women are strengthened.

Strategy / Approach:
Ø Awareness generation among the target population
Ø Making use of the government schemes for individuals, families and the community
Ø Improving governance at the village level through advocacy and lobbying.
Ø The social and economic situation of women is improved.
Ø Legal and political rights of women are strengthened.
Ø The local governance and the access to government programme improved.

Ø  Regular Home Visits
Ø  Documentary film, Charts, Street Play
Ø  Guest lecturers
Ø  Using avail recourses from local, govt., and NGO
Ø  Innovative methods are used in teaching and programs (PPT)
Ø  Various competitions
Ø  Awareness songs, slogans, Banners

Fr. James D'costa, the Director of Sahjeevan Social Centre is the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Uttan Pali from 24th June 2014 till date. He has been an ordained priest for 30 years and served as a Principal of various school for the past 24 years.  

CCO Staff: 

Ms. Carol Munis has been working at SahaJeevan Social Centre, Pali from last 2 years. This community focuses on issues related to women, children, and senior citizens. She is interested to work with women. 

Carol  is fluent in Hindi, English, Marathi and the local Marathi dialect of Dharavi Island. 

Outside of work Carol likes to singing, listening to music and interacting with new people.

CCO Profile - Prerna Samaj Kendra, Dongri

Director: Fr. Peter D'cunha

Fr. Peter D'cunha is the Parish Priest and Director of Prerana Samaj Kendra, Dongri. He has been associated with social work for the past 15 years and is a catholic priest for the past 20 years. He has worked with various sections of the poor and marginalized in parishes that he has served and promoted their issues through the various CCOs he has been associated with. 

Prerana Samaj Kendra - Dongri CCO Staff Profile: 

Justina Rinkoo Naik has completed her SSC from the secondary school at Bhayander. Soon after her schooling, she worked as domestic worker at Mumbai and Israel. At present she was working with the Dongri CCO as a community animator at Prerna Social Centre at Dongri. These communities were focused on the issues related to women, children and senior citizens. She is very fluent in Hindi, English, Marathi, Hebrew and the local Marathi dialect of Dharavi Island. She is very much interested to work with women and elderly people and her hobby is dancing and cooking.

Manisha Joseph Kharjia has completed her TYBA in arts from St. Ghonsalo Garica College at Vasai and she also completed her diploma in Social Work from College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan. At present she is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Indhra Gandhi National Open University. 

She has been working at Prerna Social Centre at Dongri as a Community Animator from the last one and half years. These communities have focused their interventions on issues related to women, children, and senior citizens. She is very much likes to work with the women and children. She is fluent in Hindi, English, Marathi and the local Marathi dialect of Dharavi Island and her hobbies are dancing and interacting with new people.

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...