Wednesday, 1 July 2015

CCO Profile - Snehajyot CCO, Uttan

SNEHAJYOT  (The Flame of Friendship)
Centre for Community Organisation (CCO)

Having lit the flame of friendship and love, Fr. Michael and Sr. Crystal established the ‘Snehajyot’ CCO at Our Lady of the Sea parish in the year 2008, in order to continue the great task of social and community outreach which had begun with immense trials and hardships. The Centre for Community Organisation is a platform where people from different strata of society come together to dialogue and co-operate with one another with a common goal of social progress and edification. They do this with the help of resources (both human and material) available in their community. In order that this organisation remains goal-oriented, certain aims have been laid down to help it remain focused on its mission:

1)      To create an awareness among the people about the social concerns existing in the parish community.
2)      To create opportunities for economic, social and educational advancement for those who are poor and in need.
3)      To prepare and nurture ‘Support Groups’ to solve social issues.
4)      To make optimum use of the resources present in the community to tackle social issues.

Snehajyot was started under the aegis of the CSA (Centre for Social Action) so that projects of social development initiated by the CSA could be applied to the poorest of the poor at the grassroots of society. This CCO functions at the level of the parish community. Snehajyot works towards sustainable development for the poor and marginalised, empowerment of women and social and human development of other sections of society. Pillared on the fundamental values of human rights, justice, unity, co-operation, respect, equality and human dignity, Snehajyot CCO envisions and executes numerous projects and programmes in rationing, health advancement, women’s self-reliance and empowerment, child care and development, and for creating awareness about the importance of education.

Vision: To bring social change and development in the lives of the people.

Mission: Towards empowerment through quality education for social transformation, strengthening livelihood options and promoting holistic healthy communities.

Ongoing Activities:
1) Childrearing:  providing information about childrearing and important concerns about the health of mothers.
2) Children’s Parliament: Programmes are organised every Thursday in various zones of the parish to further awareness about children’s physical, mental, social and spiritual development.
3) Health: In order to raise the level of health awareness, various sessions are conducted on personal hygiene and also on the health schemes available in the local community. Health awareness drives and cleanliness drives are conducted regularly in each zone.
4) Women: Various programmes are held to promote and further the cause of women’s empowerment.
5) Alcoholics Anonymous: to assist and rehabilitate those who have been addicted to alcohol and gutka.
6) Social Issues: An awareness is created among the local populace about the various social issues affecting the community and assistance is provided in tackling these issues. (e.g. rationing, roads, toilets, bus services, etc.)

Future Programmes
1) Social and economic empowerment of men and women.
2) To raise the level of health.
3) To raise awareness about social issues and provide assistance in resolving them.
4) To create awareness about the available health facilities and so raise the awareness of health.
5) To promote holistic development of children.

Fr. Francis Mascarenhas – Director and Parish Priest of Our Lady of the sea Church

Sr. Martha Manorkar – CSA Staff for Snehajyot CCO
Qualification – Completed Bachelor of Social Work in  Nirmala Niketan College of Social Work.

Ms. Valencia Colaso – Completed Paraprofessional Course & Para counselling in NirmalaNiketan Extension Center in Goreagaon
Work Experience – 5 years in Snehjyot Community Center

Ms. Sanjina Bhandari – Completed B.A & Paraprofessional Course in NirmalaNiketan Extension Center,Goreagaon
Work Experience –  5 years in Snehjyot Community Center, Uttan

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