Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Advanced Capacity Building in Action - Rationing Issue at Manori 28-9-15

On Monday the 28th September, a large turnout of 111 of Women Leaders from Manori attended the Advanced Capacity Building Training on Food Security by Ms. Taruna Kumbhar. She led the enthusiastic group through an interactive session by tracing the history of the system of providing ration and then went on to explain the purpose of the Ration Card being specifically for the Public Distribution of food grains and not as an identity proof. 

She went on to describe the three types of Ration Cards being promoted by the government - White, Orange and Yellow and the type of beneficiaries accordingly. Yellow being for the below poverty line (BPL) beneficiaries. Orange for those who have below Rs. 59,000/- income annually and their cards should be stamped by the government being as per the BPL list. Those beneficiaries having annual income above Rs. 100,000/- are given a White Card. 

She then went on to explain the eligibility for each category. Yellow Card holders are eligible to obtain 3 kgs of Wheat and 2 kgs of Rice per person per month. And those who have two gas cylinders they would not be eligible for the kerosene, one person would be eligible for two litres and consequently the calculations for the family too were explained. 

The resource person then went on to explain the process of preparing a new ration card i.e. filling the form and obtaining the book within the cost of just Rs. 20/-. Other processes too were explained like enrolling new members onto the Ration Card. She explain how they could register a complaint in the ration shop in case they face difficulties like not receiving their entitlements. A toll free number too was shared with the group, +1800224950, so as to register their complaints and seek advice for further action. 

The women were so taken up by the sharing, that they decided to put their learning into action. The women who had not received their rations for the month decided to take up this first step of advocacy of demanding for their rights at the local ration shop. Thirty women along with the resource person questioned the ration shop owner on the lack of services provided in the shop like the rations not being provided, the contact numbers and toll free number not being displayed. 

The ration shop owner promised to abide by the rules and provide the less rations provided for the month in the coming month. The group of women will be taking up a follow up and will then lodge a complaint if he defaults on his promises. 

The women have taken up an assignment that all the families who fall in the category of Orange Card they would be followed up to ensure that their Cards will be marked and enrolled by the Government authorities with BPL stamp.

Report by the Manori CCO Team. 

Putting Financial Literacy into Action - Subhechya Bachat Ghat

Ten Women from Subhechya Bachat Ghat (SHG) from Mothagaon, Uttan had participated in the Financial Literacy Training imparted to them on the 19th August, 2015. In this session they learnt the dynamics of savings and its importance for their daily lives. 

The women understood this session well and began reflecting on this and its possible implications in their lives. The SHG women came together after a few days and once again discussed on the same topic that was shared during the training. 

They took a decision during that meeting that from the current month i.e. September they would daily save Rs. 20/-, this would amount to Rs. 600/- per month per person and consequently Rs. 6000/- for the group. They would then deposit this sum of money into a 'recurring deposit' in the bank. 

The SHG then opened an account in 'Sanjay Pathpedhi' and deposited the sum of Rs. 6000/- in the bank for the month of September. They took this decision by themselves and have pledged to continue this. 

The staff, Sr. Martha and Ms. Valencia will be tracking this story and will review their progress and their future decisions as a group. 

Reported by Sr. Martha and Ms. Valencia.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Women Awakened on their Rights for Food Security - Gorai 24th Sept 2015

On the 24th September 34 Women Leaders  from Gorai who had completed the Basic Capacity Training were led to the next set of Advanced Capacity Building. The Resource Person Ms. Taruna Kumbhar led the group enthusiastically to understand the current Public Distribution System based on distribution of Rations by the Government. 

The women were animated to examine their own Ration Cards and realize  how the government and realize for themselves if their ration card truly represented their income status. She went further by stressing on how much ration each family was entitled to. She went on to elaborate on the process of getting a Ration Card and how they would need to demand for their rights in case they were not getting the food grains promised by the government. They would need to make a complaint at the shop itself and take the matter further if required along with other women at the local rationing office.

The session that began at 2.00 pm ended at 4.30 pm with the participants asking endless number of questions to clarify their doubts. 


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Alive and Alert to Gender Equality

Young Adolescent Girls have been one of the most responsive groups in Uttan. On the 22nd September, 2015 108 Kishoris responded to the CCO who had organized a training on Gender Education at the Church Hall. The resource person, Ms. Shilpa Kashelkar led the group through an interactive session. She started by engaging the group through a series of questions that were posed to the group. They answered quite enthusiastically. She mainly spoke four points of gender inequality in society: 

1. Natural and Social - segregation of boys and girls in the family and stereotypes existent in social. 
2. Violence and Force - girls often are subjugated to situations of compromise when violence and force is used - social, physical and psychological violence.
3. Decisions - girls are often not consulted when it comes to decisions.
4. Equality - equal opportunities for girls are often not provided citing gender concerns - food, education, freedom

The resource person then encouraged the young girls to accept an open challenge to raise their voices against all the above mentioned points if they observed that it was prevalent in their community. Many girls raised their hands and took a solemn resolve to raise their voice against such occurrences. 

Report by Sr. Martha, Ms. Sanjina and Ms. Velencia - Uttan CCO

Core Committee Training, Manori - 22nd Sept, 2015

The Core Committee of Savdhaan Social Centre, Manori came together for a training organized at the Centre on the 22nd September, 2015. The Resource Person, Ms. Sheetal Palande, the Programme Coordinator of the Project led the group of twelve (12) participants to reflect on the topic of "Taking Ownership of the CCO's activities". 

The programme began with a prayer by Mrs. Megha Goraikar- president of Bible Mahila Bachat Gat. Ms Sheetal Palande-Program Coordinator of CSA led the participants to realize the five good qualities which they have and for precisely those reasons they were selected as 'core committee members'. 

Some of the strengths identified through this training were as follows: 
Mrs.  Maria Bhoku, member of St Anthony Mahila Bachat Ghat, said that she felt and realized that she have good knowledge sharing attitude, mobilizing of community people, leadership qualities, taking initiative to spread awareness in community/zones. 

Mrs. Deena Gondi- member of Fatima Mata Mahila Bachat Ghat said that she was interested to do all kind of work which is beneficial for the betterment of the people and for that willingness to adjust her busy schedule.

After that the participants visualised the changes that they wished to bring about in their locality. They mainly highlighted four issues for change.
1) Good Transportation (Auto) facility
2) Provide fair Ration distribution
3) Access Health Facility
4)  Available Market

Ms Suvarna Bandya- CCO staff of Savdhan Social Centre, Manori explained the 2015-2016 project related activities. 

All participants proposed that they wanted the inclusion of maximum number of people for the programs organized and for that they suggested to make announcements in the church during the mass and at the zonal level.  

While concluding the training they were assigned with the task to bring along two to three women whenever they attended to any CCO’s program. 

Report by: Ms Rasika Bhandari, Ms Suvarna Bandya & Ms Snehal Patil 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

First Core Committee Training at Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai

The Core Committee of Gorai CCO - Suryodaya Samaj Kendra assembled together on the 21st September, 2015 for a training on 'Taking Ownership of the Project" which was facilitated by Centre for Social Action, Program Manager - Mr. Cletus Zuzarte accompanied by Ms. Sheetal Palande - Program Coordinator for the Project. 

The training began at 10.30 am in the Hall adjacent to the Church. Mr. Cletus began by pointing out to the banner which depicted the name of the CCO and how it functions as the nodal point of all social work interventions in the parish. He asked the 10 participants to close their eyes and write down their good qualities which they shared with the whole group. This was followed by them envisioning what changes they wished to bring about in the Gorai Communities. 

The participants expressed their dreams in short sentences which was then linked to the Project being implemented in Gorai. Cletus took a white sheet of paper along with matchsticks and invited them to depict their dreams and match it with the Project goals which actually enfleshed out programs for the year. Starting with Women Empowerment, Bal Sansads, Fisherfolks and Kishoris the participants were able to actualize their hopes and dreams through the project activities which were planned by the staff of Suryodaya for the year. 

The participants became clear of their role to actualize these programs and how their part was essential in order to make these programs a reality. One person remarked that certainly it was his mission to take transform Gorai into a beautiful village, the Bal Sansad children were so motivated as they realized twenty years hence, they would need to lead the process of change in Gorai. 

This first part of the training ended at 1.00 pm with a story which motivated the participants to build their CCO and realize they are not just bricks but part of the plan to build the community. The difference was evident as the participants actually asked when the next part of the training would be held so that they could participate in it. 


Understanding the value of Gender, Kishoris from Manori - 21st Sept, 2015

The Kishoris (Adolescent Girls) from Manori were led through a Training on Gender with a focus on Discovering the value of their 'Gender' on the 21st September, 2015 at Savdhaan Social Center, Manori. 

The twenty one Kishoris were led to deepen their analysis of 'Gender Discrimination' as experienced in society by Ms. Shilpa Keshlekar the Resource Person. She spoke citing examples on how the term 'gender discrimination', which means 'discrimination on the basis of one's gender' does not actually define the term in the real sense. She went on to spell the many factors causing gender discrimination, the first being society itself as it ascribes specific behaviour patterns to males and females. The other factors that influence gender forced inequalities includes religion, caste, culture, race and also education. If a woman comes from a lower income group equal status is not given to her. 

In this context as the Kishoris got involved in group discussion and sharing their experiences, it was indeed positive to note that not a single Kishori present felt that she had ever been discriminated against in her life, in terms of being rich or poor, upper or lower income group or coming from the rural background. However they agreed that discrimination and inequalities existed in society. 

Friday, 18 September 2015

Financial Literacy Training for Kishoris, Manori - 17th Sept, 2015

Financial Literacy Training - Importance of Budgeting

On the 17th Sept, 2015 a group of enthusiastic Kishoris (adolescent girls) met together in Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church Hall and were led together through a Financial Literacy Training on the 'Importance of Budgeting', by the CCO staff, Ms. Suvarna Bandya. 

She began the session by asking questions to the young girls on 'what is meant by budget?'. Budget is prepared in order to estimate an expense for the future. It is prepared on a weekly, monthly or periodical basis. for e.g. the monthly expense of rations, electricity bill etc. 

Budget is important as if conduct a careful study on our required expenses then we get a clear idea on how much money we  need to keep aside for our expenses. The girls were led through a series of exercises that enabled them to calculate, where they spend their money for e.g. typical household expenses like transportation, food, clothing, medical, recreation etc. The girls then calculated their monthly income and expense and were led to realize what action they could take to save or use their savings wisely. For e.g. if they had a surplus then they could save their money, or they were overspending then they would need to reflect and stop expenses. 

Report prepared by Ms. Snehal Patil. 

Women and Kishoris Take One Step Towards Saving for the Future

Snehajyot Samaj Kendra initiated Financial Literacy with Women and Kishoris in order to inculcate within them a habit of savings and plan for the future. The topics covered were on the concept of Saving, Budgeting and Planning.
Target Group
Resource Person
Total No.
Women (Subhechya SHG,Mhotagoan)
Ms Velenciya (CCO Uttan)
Women (New Suvarna SHG, Patan)
Ms. Sanjina (CCO Uttan)
Kishoris (Adolescent Girls)
Ms Velenciya and Ms. Sanjina (CCO Uttan)

Module I: Why Save?
  • Importance of Saving

Module II: Why Budget?
  • Identified current spending habits 
  • Analysed daily expenditure 
  • Explained the difference between needs and wants
  • Relation between Budget and Saving.

Module III: Financial Planning:
  • Identified Essential and Non-Essential Expenses
  • How to reduce the expenses
  • Needs, Wants and Vices.
The sessions were conducted by Ms. Velencia and Ms. Sanjina, the staff from Snhajyot Samaj Kendra, the Uttan CCO.

The participants were able to understand the need for savings and inculcate the habit of savings through planning for their expenditure through very practical steps of preparing a budget that is applicable to their lives.

The participants responded very enthusiastically as the sessions were interactive and interesting.

One group of women, Subhechya SHG were so enthused with the session that they decided to open a separate account in to which they would start by saving Rs. 20 on a daily basis.


Report by Sr. Martha CSA, Ms. Velenciya and Ms. Sanjina.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Bal Sansad Children Experiment with Income Generation

Little Children lead the way!

Yes, you will be surprised that fifteen enterprising children just put a question to their animator, "Can we run a stall with religious articles during the week of the Novena in preparation for the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary? This suggestion was actively taken up by the staff at Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai and then took the required from the Parish Fathers. 

On the 28th August, 2015 during their Bal Sansad Meeting, the staff from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm, carefully explained to the children the responsibilities and the discipline required to be maintained while handling the proposed endeavour. They were then lead through a leadership exercise and explained how they would need to handle all kinds of people who would question them and how they would need to deal with them in a professional business manner, at the same time ensuring that they would become their customer. 

The children reportedly did a brisk sale of religious articles and they even reported a profit as they maintained a daily rigour of submitting accounts to their animator. 

"It was indeed a learning experience, as we learnt how to handle money and keep simple accounts", mentioned one boy from the team. Another girl remarked, "It was so necessary to be careful while replying to all the aunties and uncles and not say anything more than required". 

All in all it was a really good experience in growing up responsibly!


Monday, 7 September 2015

Financial Literacy Training At Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori

Topics:  Importance Of Saving & Building Good Habit To Save Money

Resource Persons:  Ms Rasika Bhandari, Ms Suvarna Bandya & Ms Snehal Patil

Target Group
6th September 2015
St. John Zone
Fatima Mahila Bachat Gat
6th September 2015
St. James Zone
St Anthony Mahila Bachat Gat
6th September 2015
St. James Zone
Bible Mahila Bachat Gat

The session began with the resource person giving two examples of housewives Rekha and Jaya.  Rekha lived with her husband and two children. Her husband was the sole earner member in the family. Rekha had a good habit to save money in the bank regularly. Jaya lived with her husband and three children. Her husband was a carpenter by profession and the sole earner member of the family. Jaya on the contrary spends her entire income by the end of every month.
It so happened that one day both the families were affected from one unfortunate incident of illness. Rekha's son suffered from Malaria and Jaya son was infected the hepatitis virus. Both children were hospitalized. The cost of treatment was easily borne by Rekha as she had savings however Jaya had to take a loan from her friends.

Using these examples various questions were asked to the participants like ‘why save money?. The participants actively responded with various reasons like its usage for the future, major illness, daily expenses, marriage, boat repairs, education, purchase gold, property etc.

The participants learnt the importance of saving money. The money saved in a nationalized Bank attracts a good interest and serves as a security. A person has access to its record and learns to use money for essentials and save now for a secure future. Thereafter the person can use the accumulated money for any emergency situation or for building assets.

Report by- Ms Rasika Bhandari 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Artistic Skills of Bal Sansad Children of Gorai

The Bal Sansad Children of Gorai were encouraged to bring out their artistic skills as they entered into a Drawing Competition organized by Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai on the 3rd September, 2015 in the Church Hall. 

Over 30 Children participated and from them two were the winners. Their drawings are displayed on the notice board in the CCO and the children were given prizes. The children proudly speak about their drawings to their parents and friends. 

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...