Tuesday, 22 September 2015

First Core Committee Training at Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai

The Core Committee of Gorai CCO - Suryodaya Samaj Kendra assembled together on the 21st September, 2015 for a training on 'Taking Ownership of the Project" which was facilitated by Centre for Social Action, Program Manager - Mr. Cletus Zuzarte accompanied by Ms. Sheetal Palande - Program Coordinator for the Project. 

The training began at 10.30 am in the Hall adjacent to the Church. Mr. Cletus began by pointing out to the banner which depicted the name of the CCO and how it functions as the nodal point of all social work interventions in the parish. He asked the 10 participants to close their eyes and write down their good qualities which they shared with the whole group. This was followed by them envisioning what changes they wished to bring about in the Gorai Communities. 

The participants expressed their dreams in short sentences which was then linked to the Project being implemented in Gorai. Cletus took a white sheet of paper along with matchsticks and invited them to depict their dreams and match it with the Project goals which actually enfleshed out programs for the year. Starting with Women Empowerment, Bal Sansads, Fisherfolks and Kishoris the participants were able to actualize their hopes and dreams through the project activities which were planned by the staff of Suryodaya for the year. 

The participants became clear of their role to actualize these programs and how their part was essential in order to make these programs a reality. One person remarked that certainly it was his mission to take transform Gorai into a beautiful village, the Bal Sansad children were so motivated as they realized twenty years hence, they would need to lead the process of change in Gorai. 

This first part of the training ended at 1.00 pm with a story which motivated the participants to build their CCO and realize they are not just bricks but part of the plan to build the community. The difference was evident as the participants actually asked when the next part of the training would be held so that they could participate in it. 


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