Monday, 29 February 2016

Kishori Trg, Manori CCO - 29th Feb, 2016

Date: -          29/02/2016
Time: -         11.00 - 01.30
Venue: -       Gorai Church Hall.
Members: -  14 Kishories.
Topic: -         Leadership.
Resource Person: - Mr. Manik.

Report: -     
Resource Person started session with awarness songs ‘Jaggira Sara ra ra.” Then he asked them to sit two in pairs to choose in destination then one will become Driver& other conductor, also after this exercise he asked each pair what were their feeling by doing this, also with this he explain to them Responsibility of leadership .

Then he divided them into 5 groups to do the exercise that with straw the made group name then he stressed how participative Leadership brings unity in the group with this he took another awarness song and winded up the session.  

Developing Kishori Leaders at Manori, 29-2-16

On the 29th Feb, 2016; the Savdhaan Samaj Kendra, Manori organised a Training Program for Kishoris (adolescent girls) on the topic of "Leadership". A total of 14 Kishoris participated. The resource Person was Mr. Manik.

He led the young girls to reflect on their current position and on their self identity. He made them release their strengths and how they could develop themselves as persons who were capable of becoming leaders in society. 

He spoke of the different types of Leaders and their characteristics. He went on to explain how being a facilitative Leader they could bring about change in their community. 

Friday, 26 February 2016

Discussions with Fisherfolk Societies, Gorai - 26-2-16

Date:              26th Feb 2016
Time:             11.00 to 12.30 pm
Venue:           Gorai Macchimar Society
Topic:             To discuss with them issues of Fisher folk
Members:    Chairmen – Mr. Alex Aitolea, Vice Chairman – Mr. Mathew Vasaikar, Secretary – Mr. Nevil D’Souza
CSA Staff:     Mrs. Sheetal Palande, Mr. Dayanand Patil,
CCO Staff:     Sr. Christel, Miss Nasim, Mrs. Natal

Sr. Christel introduced the CSA Staff & Society Staff. Then a discussion was initiated on the Problems faced by fisherfolks.

The members shared that they faced many problems that was connected to the changing environment and its effects on the ocean and consequently on the fish catch.

They also shared on the condition of their Fishing Nets which was perishing due to the water contamination. They expressed the fact that there was no guarantee in this livelihood as they face problems associated with losses incurred due to increase in diesel prices and also they face other problems like lack of space for storing of fish in a cold storage.

They expressed that they would like to have more awareness programs like the Training conducted earlier by CSA on Boat Engine Repairing. They were open to the proposed Financial Literacy Training, however they also faced practical problems like when they are at home they are not able to take time out because they function under the guidance of the Nakhva (Boat Owner) who assigns various tasks to them when they are on the shore.

After discussing with them on the proposed trainings on Wireless and GPS Functioning, they readily agreed to take part and learn from it. The meeting ended. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Farmer's Meeting, Talavali Dongri 25-2-16

On 25 February 2016 Prerna Samaj Kendra,Dongri organised a Farmer's meeting at Talavali area in the field. There was a total of 13 farmers who actively took part. 

Mr. Dayanand Patil led the meeting. All the farmers were actively involved in the discussion and shared their issues which they faced in field.

They were motivated to learn more about agriculture and how to improve their current practices of farming. One of the suggestions included the possibility of taking an exposure visit to understand how they could improve their current practice. 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Farmer's Meeting at Dongri CCO, 21-2-16

On the 21st February, 2016 the Dongri CCO facilitated a farmer's meeting at Dongri, Tarodi. A total of 30 farmers actively participated in the meeting. 

Mr.Dayanand Patil the Joint Programme Coordinator of the project lead the meeting. The farmers discussed various issues faced by them and decided to form a Farmer's Core Group at Tarodi area.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Training on Domestic Violence Act and their Rights, Dongri CCO - 20-2-16

On the 20th Feb, 2016 a training session was taken for Women on Domestic Violence Act 2005 & Women's Rights at Dongri CCO in the hall adjoining the church. 

Ms. Chitra Joshi was a resource person . A total of 34 women actively participated in the training. 

Friday, 19 February 2016

Kishoris from Gorai CCO develop Leadership on 19th Feb, 2016

Date: -          19/02/2016

Time: -         11.00 - 01.30

Venue: -        Gorai Church Hall.

Members: -   35 Kishories.

Topic: -         Leadership.

Resource Person: - Mr. Manik.

Report: -     
Resource Person started session with awareness songs ‘Jaggira Sara ra ra.” Then he asked them to sit two in pairs to choose in destination then one will become Driver& other conductor, also after this exercise he asked each pair what were their feeling by doing this, also with this he explain to them Responsibility of leadership .

Then he divided them into 5 groups to do the exercise that with straw the made group name then he stressed how participative Leadership brings unity in the group with this he took another awareness song and winded up the session.  


Thursday, 18 February 2016

Developing Leadership with Kishoris at Uttan, 18-2-16

On 18th Feb. 16 we had the session for Kishories on Leadership by Mr. Dayanand Patil. There were total 44 girls attended the session.  Mr. Dayanand spoke on what is Leadership, Types of Leadership. Traits of Leadership. He also told them the full of Leader that is
L – Lovable
E – Emotional
A – Approachable 
D – Discipline  
E – Evaluation
R – Respect

He also spoke on differences between a Manager and a Leader

Focus on things
Focus on people
Do things right
Do the right things 
Follows the rules
Shape entities

It followed with the activity where he used three glasses of water, stone, sand and cotton. In tree glasses he put water and one glass he put stone the other he put sand and in third glass he put cotton. Cotton soaked the water, stone was as it is and sand mixed in the water. The purpose behind this activity is how our leaders are supposed to be and how they act. Girls were happy with the session. And with feedback form closed the session.

Reported by: Sr. Martha CSA. Ms. Sanjina. Ms. Velencia Uttan CCO

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Livelihood Directions, Manori CCO, 16th Feb, 2016

The first Income Generation Programme session was held for Women and Kishoris at Manori on the 16th February, 2016 at the CCO Office. There were 40 participants and Mr. Vency Dabre was the Resource Person. 

Domestic Violence Act and Rights for Uttan CCO - 16th Feb, 2016

On 16th Feb.16 we had the session for women on Domestic violence Act and Women’s rights by Ms. Chitra Joshi from Dilasa. There were total 36 women attended the session. 

The session began with asking the question on what is the D.V. some of the women could answer in their own understanding and experience that it the harassment from in laws and the husband. She also told them the different  types of violence.

  1. Physical Violence
  2. Psychological Violence 
  3. Economic Violence
  4. Sexual Violence.

Then Ms. Chitra continued with her experienced examples as she is the councillor for the women.   She gave the tips on what women can do after she faces the D.V. Since many women go through this harassment they were very much attentive and were responding to it. She also in simple language explained to them about the criminal and civil laws related to D.V.

She also stressed on the rights of women and how they can use it. She made them aware of their rights and how they can speak for themselves and also can support others too.  It was very informative and knowledgeable session where women could understand and learn something. Questions raised by women helped the resource person to make the session more interesting.

Reported by: Sr. Martha CSA. Ms. Sanjina. Ms. Velencia Uttan CCO

Monday, 15 February 2016

DI Project Core Committee Meeting at Uttan, 15th Feb, 2016

On the 15th February, 2016 the CSA DI Staff along with the CCO Staff executed the DI Project Core Committee Meeting at Mukti Sagar Hall, Uttan. Almost all the Core Committee members of the six CCOs i.e. a total 60 participants actively took part in the meeting. 

The meeting began with a  prayer led by the Chowk CCO Core Committee. Mr Dayanand Patil the newly appointed joint Program Coordinator for the Project took the first session on Government Schemes of the Central and State Government. He placed this in the context of the Administrative Structure of the Mira Bhayandar Muncilpal Corporation and the Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation various offices and the officers currently in the posts who could be accessed for the schemes. Some queries were answered concerning SHG registration and the availability of bus concession for senior citizens as applicable to Mumbai Municipal Corporation. 

The next session was taken by Fr.Laslie Malaya, the Director of Mukti Sagar Prabhodan Kendra. He led the participants to understand the need to take up issues, he focussed on the serious issue of Alcoholism prevalent in all the six CCOs. He posed two questions which he asked them to discuss in groups as per their CCOs. He asked them to confirm the existence of the issue of Alcoholism and secondly what steps they would propose to address the same. After putting down their responses on the black board, he led them to focus on concrete actions like awareness building of the issue during their group meetings especially as many of the groups would be meeting frequently during the season of Lent. 

All the six CCOs committed themselves to take up the issue and conduct awareness programs through charts and street plays. 

Dayanand then led the participants to reflect on their planning of Women's Day Celebrations being planned in all the CCOs and how they could move from making it primarily a cultural celebration to being socially oriented with a theme. The theme suggested was based on the CSA suggested reflection "Women's Oppression a reported fact & reality, but never in our community?". Various kinds of means to potray this were suggested and also shared by Sr. Christle - CSA Staff from Gorai. 

The meeting ended at 1.00pm with a few observations on improving the Core Committee participation by Mr. Cletus Zuzarte from CSA Goregaon. 

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Women's Trg - Understanding Property Rights and Disputes, Pali 13-2-16

Sahjeevan Social Centre, Pali conducted a training on the 13th February, 2016 on “Property Rights and Disputes. 92 women participants attended the session. Adv. Sandip Dhoble was the Resource Person.

He spoke on the topic of how to write a living Will and discussed with the participants issues related to property and the importance of 7/12 Extract Document (Saat baara utara) as property document. He also spoke of the effective use of RTI and its procedure, women’s rights in maternal property as well as from the side of husband.

The outcome of the training was that at the end of the program women expressed that they were really glad to have this session which was very informative and helped them to understand and overcome all their misconceptions about women’s property rights in the maternal side. 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Understanding Domestic Violence Act, Manori 12-2-16

Date-12th February 2016

Time -11am to 1pm

Venue-Manori Church Hall

Target group-women


Resource person-Ms Sindhu, Ms Shruti, Ms Christine from Majlis-legal centre for women related to DV cases.

Topic- Domestic Violence (DV) act 2005 and Women rights
On the 12th Feb, 2016 the Savdhaan Social Centre at Manori organized a session for Women on  Domestic Violence and Women's Rights. 

The resource persons began by share on information related to Domestic violence the growing phenomena and how it needs to be identified and reported. 

They showed   a video clipping on women rights. She asked questions to the women on what they understood from this clipping. The participants replied that no women could be arrested after late evening and secondly that women have equal property rights even after her marriage.

The resource persons cited many examples and case studies and encouraged the women to report such incidents so that the women could come out openly and be supported through the Community Centre. Ms Christine explained that what is D.V and types of DV. There are mainly four types of DV.
Physical, Mental, Sexual &Financial

Ms Shruti- She explained that how to logged complaint in police station? Because most of the times women don’t have idea regarding how to file complaints. There are two types of complaints.
1.  NC- it logged for minor offence.
2. FIR (First Informant Report) - it logged for severe offence. It includes the details record of name, address, section of law etc.

How to file DV complaints-
·   Through Police helpline no 100 & 103
·  Concept of zero FIR- it can be registered from anywhere in the rape case happened at Rajasthan and the person belongs to Mumbai (Malad) locality. Then under the zero FIR the case can be transfer to concerned police station.  
·  Medical Lego Case (MLC) - medical test report it’s very important in DV cases. It’s writing the detail history by doctor from government or municipal hospital.

Report noted by- Ms Rasika Bhandari- CSA, Ms Suvarna Bandya & Ms Snehal Patil- Manori CCO

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Bal Sansad Children of Uttan & Pali - Exposure to Police Station, 11-2-16

On the 11th Feb, 2016 around 50 Bal Sansad Children from Uttan and Pali CCO were taken on an exposure visit to "Sagari Police Station, Anand Nagar, Uttan". Police Inspector Mr. Devdas Mane gave a complete profile of the Police Station, its role and responsibilities to be fulfilled for the fisherfolk community in maintaining law and order in the coastal region of Uttan, Pali and Chowk stretching upto Gorai and bordering Manori. 

He introduced the children to various services being provided by the police station to the fisherfolks and how they could access these services. He demonstrated on the 1093 Police Helpline and reassured the children of their prompt service in a matter of just a few minutes. The children were at first afraid of the police, it is only when they realized the good nature of the police and the police station that their fears were removed. 
Children were introduced to the various weapons being used and one of the children even picked up a gun to feel it touch and how it was to be held. 

The children went back reassured that their lives and their families could be completely safe in the hands of the police. 

First Aid and Safety Measures at home - Domestic Workers

On 9 th July 2017 a session on   first Aid and safety measures at home was conducted   for the domestic workers of dongri .   The ses...