Date: 26th
Feb 2016
Time: 11.00
to 12.30 pm
Venue: Gorai
Macchimar Society
Topic: To
discuss with them issues of Fisher folk
Members: Chairmen – Mr. Alex Aitolea, Vice Chairman
– Mr. Mathew Vasaikar, Secretary – Mr. Nevil D’Souza
CSA Staff: Mrs. Sheetal Palande, Mr. Dayanand
CCO Staff: Sr. Christel, Miss Nasim, Mrs. Natal
Christel introduced the CSA Staff & Society Staff. Then a discussion was
initiated on the Problems faced by fisherfolks.
The members
shared that they faced many problems that was connected to the changing
environment and its effects on the ocean and consequently on the fish catch.
They also
shared on the condition of their Fishing Nets which was perishing due to the
water contamination. They expressed the fact that there was no guarantee in
this livelihood as they face problems associated with losses incurred due to
increase in diesel prices and also they face other problems like lack of space
for storing of fish in a cold storage.
expressed that they would like to have more awareness programs like the
Training conducted earlier by CSA on Boat Engine Repairing. They were open to
the proposed Financial Literacy Training, however they also faced practical
problems like when they are at home they are not able to take time out because
they function under the guidance of the Nakhva (Boat Owner) who assigns various
tasks to them when they are on the shore.
After discussing
with them on the proposed trainings on Wireless and GPS Functioning, they
readily agreed to take part and learn from it. The meeting ended.
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